Do research by yourself on Prepare documents per their request. To be honest, you nearly can't find any fellowship at graduate level. However, sometimes, a 3-month summer intern job (normally 10-17 $/hours) can lessen the financial burden a lot. But not every one can get a summer intern. During every semester, student job opportunities (10-15 $/hour, 8-20 hours/week) can be applied for. As long as you believe the major you choose is a profession-oriented, like law, dentist, medicine, Library, don't care too much about the cost. You eventually can get reward on your investment.
Because you choose Halifax, I give the above opinions.
Bear in mind, Nova Scotia is a poor province, I don't think you can get any financial aid from NS Gov. Ontario has OSAP and Quebec has Loan and Bursary. If you can get in Mcgill or any universities in Toronto, don't bother going to Dal. On the other hand, if you land in Ontario or Montreal and can only get admission to Dal, pack and go, you are still eligible for the study aid programs from Quebec or Ontario.
Frankly, unlike in the U.S., admissions to Canadian graudate studies are competitive or even fierce to some degree, because of large volume of applications against tiny number of schools. Don't falter but try, you won't lose anything or time something.
Hope this can help you .