1 heritage college 的护士专业是用法语教学吗?
----it's an
english teaching college.
2 我有国内临床医学硕士和本科学历(西医),还要修先修课才能入学吗?我想早点入学。我现在在美国。
----generally speaking, the prerequisite courses of nursing program are physical science, chemistry and (or) math. if u have all the transcripts no more than
5 years old, u could be exempt from the prerequisite courses.
3 你说的其他三所有护士课程的学院dawson,john abbott, and vanier都接受托福成绩作为入学条件吗?
----they all have their own english placement tests, whereas a good TOEFL score will be more competitive.
4 college的学费和bursery有多少呢?在蒙城住满三个月才能申请bursery吗?
----tuition fee is free for
quebec residents. unfortunately i have no idea how to apply for bursery.
please check this website refering to the attestation of quebec resident status.
5 mcgill的护理本科入学竞争激烈吗?有先修课要求吗?
---- i have no idea about that while i think so. Yes, please check mcgill website. Actually, why don't u apply to mcgill directly, u could get quite some credits transfered.
6 在蒙城要拿RN执照最后一定要通过法语考试吗?难不难?
----definitely right. it really depends.