我想买大车,可是他不是很喜欢,因为他的驾车水平实在不敢恭维,昨天他把车开回家后还在家里哆嗦了3个小时才平静下来,我们都是新手(他比我还新不知道有多少),车大parking的时候我俩会哭死的,本来想买nissan 的rouge但是但是由于多种因素最终没买to be honest , i think it's a little biy small for your husband. but for you woman is good.
the number is same with my first motor when I have a job after my graduation. so I 'm so familiar with that number.
and by the way, if this photo is taken by your cell phone ,then your cell phone is perfect one at taking photo. so you're a really rich woman
haha. i like