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Dec 7th, 2008 我的洗礼
There are 2 greatest moments in my life. The first one was 37 years ago, when I was born. But unfortunately I can not remember it at all. No one can remember his birth. (laungh) Another one is right here, right now, - I will be saved and begin my new life as a Christian.
I have been waiting for such a day for a long long time. I cannot remember when I started to have a deep feeling in my heart that I had an appointment with someone. Someone I did not know. I did not even know his name. But I do believed that he can give me the answers because I have so many questions without ansewrs.
Almost 3 years ago, I and my family moved to the most beautiful country, Canada. Since the first day, I have found many differences between Canada and my home country China, - even though they are both start with the letter C and end with the letter A. I wondered why it is that people in Canada say hello and smile to strangers? We do not do that in China. I wondered why people are humble and treat others respectfully, regardless of whether they are rich or poor, They are equal. I can feel the emotion between people, we can it "Love", not only between people, but also for small animals. Like the rabbits in UVic. I wondered why is it that people donate money to help other people they will never know, when they are not rich either? I was asking why. Finally I found the answer, from the Bible. It is HIM, the one I was looking for.
When I posted on my blog that I was going to get baptist, some friends asked me, Is it because you are scared of being sent to hell? Honestly, I am not scared of going anywhere. But I am afraid of something that I believe is true but not brave enough to prove it publicly. I was not brave enough until now. You see, I am standing here now, right in front of you all. I am brave, I say I believe in God, and I praise, Hallelujah ! (Hallelujah !!)
上文是我在上周日我的洗礼上做的一小段讲演. 专业术语叫做"见证'. 见证是用英文做的. 我后来看了录像, 才发现我的英文是如此之烂, 感谢主, 听众居然都听懂了. 下面是我的中文翻译.
我的生命中有两个最伟大的时刻. 第一个是37年前, 我来到这个世界. 可惜我完全记不得当时的情景了. (笑声)没有人可以记得住自己的出生. 第二个就是此时此地. 我将要得救, 开始我新的基督徒的生命.
我为这一时刻已经等了很久很久. 我已经记不得从合适开始我心中一直有一个深深的感觉, 那就是我和一个人有一个约会. 我不知道他是谁, 我甚至不知道他的名字. 但是我确信我有一天会遇见他, 因为我心中有太多的问题找不到答案. 我相信他会给我答案.
三年前, 我和家人移居到这个美丽的国家加拿大. 自从第一天起我就发现这个国家和我的祖国有太多的不同. 尽管Canada和China都是用字母C开头A结尾. 我一直在迷惑为什么加拿大人对陌生人微笑和问候. 我们在中国从来不这样. 我疑惑为什么加拿大人谦逊而且平等的尊敬他人, 无论对方是富贵或者贫贱. 我可以感受到人与人之间那种被我们成为"爱"的感情. 我还疑惑为什么人们捐献钱物给从未而且可能永远无法谋面的人, 尽管他们自己也并不富裕.... 我始终在问, 为什么? 知道最终我从圣经中找到了解答. 原来是他, 他就是我苦苦寻找的那个.
当我把我即将受洗的信息放进我的Blog后, 有朋友问我, 是不是(别人说)死后要进地狱给吓住了才去受洗. 我回答说, 不, 我一点不担心我死后去哪儿. 我担心的是我认定一个真理却不敢当中承认和证实. 的确, 我一直不够勇敢, 直到今天. 我站在这里, 面对大家, 我勇敢的说: 我信仰上帝. 而且我要当中称颂. 哈雷路亚! (众人附和, 哈雷路亚!).
当我说完这番话的时候, 教堂内的各位认识和不认识的兄弟姐妹都鼓掌并回应哈雷路亚. 牧师问我是否愿意一圣父圣子圣灵的名义受洗, 我回答是的. 然后我就全身浸入水中. 当我再次站出来的时候, 耳边天使的歌声响起. 那是我们乐队的同僚们为我唱的圣歌. 当然, 缺一个Bass手, 我当时还在水里. 我睁开眼, 眼前是朦胧的. 这个就是我新生的第一刻. 一个值得永远纪念的时刻.
我随后会上传在本Blog中现场录像. 我考虑再三要不要放上来. 因为我的英文太烂了. 我自己后来都听不懂我自己在说啥. 不过这样也给各位自己也觉得英文很烂的人一点信心. 因为这么烂的英文人家洋人也一样能听懂, 你开口说英语还有啥可怕的. 牺牲我一个人的光辉形象, 换来无数移民群众勇敢的开口说英语, 值了.