回复: 如何查询家庭团聚申请的进度,享受“变态”的快乐!
第三页:只在第一项前打了勾, your spouse是手写的.
Please provide the following outstanding items checked in the box(es)whthin 90 days :
Supplement to Schedule 1 - Backgroud / Declaration for your spouse
(please complete the enclosed form)
To be completed by the spouse,common-law partner or dependent child aged 18 years or older of the principal applicant.
Have you previously been married or in a common-law relationship?
__No __Yes Give the following details for each previous spouse
or partner. If you do not have enough space,provide
details on a separate sheet of paper.
Name of previous spouse or partner _____________________
Date of birth (day-month-year) _____________________
Name: _______________________填的是拼音吗?
Signature: _______________________这里填中文名?(这里是申请人填的吧?也就是申请我们全家去加国的哥哥填的吧?)
Date: _______________________
第三页:只在第一项前打了勾, your spouse是手写的.
Please provide the following outstanding items checked in the box(es)whthin 90 days :
Supplement to Schedule 1 - Backgroud / Declaration for your spouse
(please complete the enclosed form)
Supplement to Schedule 1 - Background / Declaration
To be completed by the spouse,common-law partner or dependent child aged 18 years or older of the principal applicant.
Have you previously been married or in a common-law relationship?
__No __Yes Give the following details for each previous spouse
or partner. If you do not have enough space,provide
details on a separate sheet of paper.
Name of previous spouse or partner _____________________
Date of birth (day-month-year) _____________________
Type of relationship __Marriage __Common-law union
From (day-month-year)________________to (day-month-year)__________
From (day-month-year)________________to (day-month-year)__________
Do you have any child resulting from this previous marriage or common-law relationship?
__No __Yes Give the following details of each child.
__No __Yes Give the following details of each child.
Name Date of birth Relationship Do you have
(day-month-year) legal custody
of this child?
(day-month-year) legal custody
of this child?
Please provide documentary evidence to support your claims,e.g. divorce certificate,relationship documents,custody order etc.
Name: _______________________
Signature: _______________________
Date: _______________________
Name: _______________________填的是拼音吗?
Signature: _______________________这里填中文名?(这里是申请人填的吧?也就是申请我们全家去加国的哥哥填的吧?)
Date: _______________________