回复: 魁北克投资移民移友进展汇总
刚在CIC网站上查阅我进度,显示 Decision Made,是否就意味着DM了?(我才刚体检1个月)
感觉从体检到DM太快,有些不真实,再三查了查CIC,确实是Decision Made,点击进入,内容是:什么时间受理,收到体检报告,做出决定,办公室会联络你。
再看了CIC关于DM 的定义:DECISION MADE(A decision has been made at this point.)
然后是解释,其中有句话:Your application will be either approved or rejected,中文意思应该是你的申请可能被同意或者拒绝,这好像我们认为DM就是通过的概念不一致。
以上 请教守法。
Medical Results Received by CIC
We have received your medical results. We will contact you only if additional tests are needed.
Approval Status Determined
Your application will be either approved or rejected. We will inform you of the decision in writing.
Permanent Residence Status Determined
If your application is approved, we will send you your permanent resident documentation and a letter saying what we need to finalize your permanent residence.