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工作签证 想去加国做住家保姆

回复: 想去加国做住家保姆

回复: 想去加国做住家保姆


最后编辑: 2009-07-23
回复: 想去加国做住家保姆

回复: 想去加国做住家保姆

回复: 想去加国做住家保姆




  移民部长Jason Kenney表示,自2008年开始的经济衰退也没有影响本国雇主对外籍临时工的需求。政府在今年春季又增加了一条限制,要求那些临时工作先在加拿大打出广告,在国内实在找不到人,才申请要外籍劳工补空。可是这个政策也没有减少临时工人的数量。Kenney在一次采访中表示,他本来以为今年外籍临时工人数会减少,结果却意外地发现,第一季度对外籍劳工的需求并没有改变,第二季度只有轻微下降。


  但是由多伦多的Maytree基金会资助的一份研究却认为,临时工作许可的增加,反映出国家移民政策的变化,现在政府更注重填补短缺工作的缺口,从长远来看会影响加拿大的经济。报告作者Naomi Alboim是皇后大学(Queen's U)的学者。她说,政府把资源分流到临时工那方面,会减慢对永久性技术工人的个案审批,影响加拿大吸引人才的能力。





  阿尔伯塔劳工联盟的主席Gil McGowan表示,目前有两个趋势,一是有技能的临时工大量失业,二是技术含量低的工作,比如某些服务性行业,并没有受到多大影响。现在就业压力大,很多本国人也乐意去找服务性的临时工作,但雇主显然更喜欢外籍临时工。

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难得的出国及移民机会,有意向的朋友,可电话详聊:0871-6306249 15969497703 王女士
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回复: 想去加国做住家保姆


check 状态

We were not able to identify you using the information you provided. There could be three possible reasons:
  • Please be sure the information you entered is correct and then try again.
  • This service is only available to clients with applications in process. We may have received your application but not yet begun processing it. The following link may help you determine if your application is being processed:
    Application Processing Times
  • At this time, you may use this on-line service to view the status of your application ONLY if you have:
    • sponsored a member of the family class;
    • applied for permanent residence from within or outside Canada;
    • applied for a permanent resident card (initial, replacement or renewal);
    • applied for Canadian citizenship (grant of citizenship);
    • applied for Canadian citizenship for a person adopted by a Canadian citizen (on or after January 1, 1947);
    • applied for a citizenship certificate (proof of Canadian citizenship);
    • applied to renounce Canadian citizenship; or
    • applied to resume Canadian citizenship.
The Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) may help you to access the status of your application through CAS.
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Frequently Asked Questions - Print

Q1: How can I find out about the status of my application?
A1:There are three ways to determine the status of your application:
Q2: What types of applications can be followed through CAS?
A2: You may only use CAS if you have:
  • sponsored a member of the family class;
  • applied for permanent residence from within or outside Canada;
  • applied for a permanent resident card (initial, replacement or renewal);
  • applied for Canadian citizenship (grant of citizenship);
  • applied for Canadian citizenship for a person adopted by a Canadian citizen (on or after January 1, 1947);
  • applied for a citizenship certificate (proof of Canadian citizenship);
  • applied to renounce Canadian citizenship; or
  • applied to resume Canadian citizenship.
Q3: I sent my application a while ago, but there is no record of my application in the system. Why?
A3: Until the visa office or case processing centre to which you submitted your application for immigration or citizenship has begun processing your application, your application status will not be available through CAS. It is not necessary to contact the Call Centre - or, in the case of applications submitted outside Canada, the Canadian embassy, high commission or consulate overseas - regarding the status of any in-Canada applications unless the specified time period referred to below for the specific type of application has passed.
Applications are processed according to the standard Application Processing Times.
Q4: Can I view my application status through CAS if I have appealed a decision made on my sponsorship application?
A4: Due to the complex nature of the appeal process, the status of an appeal, filed by a sponsor or by the person being sponsored, for a refused family class application is not available through CAS. The sponsor will be notified through the mail regarding the status of the appeal.
Q5: My family members and I submitted an application for permanent residence but I can't get the status of my family's application. Why?
A5: When trying to retrieve information about an application for permanent residence for more than one individual, it is important to make sure that you are entering the correct information and that all the fields in CAS contain information about the principal applicant (the person who applies to come to Canada).
Q6: I am sponsoring a member of my family and cannot see the status of my application on CAS. Why?
A6: When trying to retrieve information about a sponsorship application, it is important to make sure that all the fields in CAS contain information about the sponsor. For example, to see the status of a sponsorship application sent to the case processing centre in Mississauga, you must use the sponsor's identification number (example: client #, receipt no, etc), along with the sponsor's name, date of birth and place of birth.
To see the status of the sponsored individual's application for permanent residence being processed, you must use the sponsored individual's identification number (example: client no, receipt no, etc), as well as his/her name, date of birth and place of birth.
Q7: I used to be able to use CAS to follow the status of the application I submitted to sponsor my family member. Now I am unable to do so. Why?
A7: Differences between the application submitted by the sponsor in Canada and the supporting documents (example: passport, marriage certificate) submitted by the applicant to the visa office overseas may explain why CAS cannot identify you based on the information you have provided.
You may have been able to access the status of this application in the past through CAS because the original information about the applicant in CAS was the information submitted by the sponsor with the original sponsorship application in Canada.
If the application is now at the point where it is being handled by the visa office overseas, the information in CAS regarding your sponsored family member would reflect the personal details in the passport and supporting documents which the applicant submitted.
Please ensure that the names, date of birth and place of birth as well as other personal details are correct on the correspondence you have received from the visa office or case processing centre. In addition, it is important that you verify that the details you put on the original application form are identical to those on the supporting documents submitted.
Q8: If I paid for a citizenship application for a family member and I received the acknowledgment letter for the application, can we both use CAS?
A8: No. The acknowledgment letter is sent to the individual who made the payment for the application. However, it is only the principal applicant (the person who applies to come to Canada) who will be able to access the status of the application in CAS once processing has begun on the application.
Q9: What do I enter if I have more than one surname or family name?
A9: You should enter your surname or family name exactly as it appears on your immigration document or the correspondence you have received from the Citizenship and Immigration Canada visa office or case processing centre to which you submitted your application.
If you do not have an immigration document or you have never received correspondence, you should enter your surname or family name exactly as it appears on your application.
For example:
  • Your full name is Jose Pedro Sanchez Ruiz.
  • Your document/correspondence/application indicates that your surname or family name is Sanchez Ruiz.
  • You must enter the surname or family name of Sanchez Ruiz.
If you enter only one surname or family name, either "Sanchez" or "Ruiz," CAS will not allow you to retrieve your information.
Q10: I have changed my surname or family name during the application process. What surname or family name should I use to access CAS?
A10: You can access CAS using the surname or family name that appears on the immigration document which you received from the Citizenship and Immigration Canada visa office or case processing centre.
If you have changed your surname or family name during the application process, you can access CAS using your new surname or family name if you have notified CIC of the change.
Q11: What happens if the name of my place of birth has changed? What place of birth should I enter in CAS?
A11: You will need to use the place of birth that was recorded on your immigration document.
If an error in your place of birth was recorded on your immigration document, you should contact the Call Centre (for in-Canada applications) or write to the Canadian embassy, high commission or consulate overseas (for applications processed outside of Canada). You will need to complete the form " Request to Amend the Immigration Record of Landing or Confirmation of Permanent Residence."
Q12: What exactly does "in process" mean?
A12: "In process" is the status given to any application that has been received at a case processing centre or a visa office but that has not yet been finalized. Therefore, for the duration of the Application Processing Time, CAS will show the status as "in process."
Q13: Why has the status of my application not changed even though it has been a long time since I submitted it and I know that things have happened with my file?
A13: It is normal for some actions to not be reflected in CAS for many weeks due to the volume of information received at the visa offices and the case processing centres.
In many cases, an in-process file is actually waiting in a queue for initial review as applications are handled in the order they are received and on a case-by-case basis. The waiting time in this initial queue can be lengthy, depending on the standard processing times. Applications are processed according to the Application Processing Time at a given location.
In addition, other actions happening to your file are not shown on CAS (example: security checks) so it may appear as though nothing is happening to your file.
Q14: How often is the information on the Client Application Status service updated?
A14: CAS is updated on a weekly basis. Please consult the Application Processing Times for information on how long it will take to process your application.
Q15: What if I do not want my application status information to be available on the Internet? What do I do?
A15: You can remove your application status information from the Internet by logging into CAS and selecting the check box next to the message "Please don't show my application status on the Internet." This will remove your status information from the Internet.
Once your application status information has been removed from the Internet, you will no longer be able to see your application status through CAS.
Q16: I have removed my application status from the Internet by mistake. What should I do to get it back on?
A16: If you want your application information to be posted again on CAS, you will need to contact us.
Q17: If I made an application to immigrate to Quebec, can I view my application status through CAS?
A17: No. Quebec is responsible for selecting immigrants wishing to settle within Quebec, and it does so separately from Immigration Canada. Therefore, CAS will not be available to you.
Please visit the Quebec Immigration Web site for more information regarding Quebec immigration.
Q18: Is the information found on CAS considered my official confirmation from Citizenship and Immigration Canada?
A18: No. The notice you receive by mail constitutes your official confirmation. To ensure that you receive your official confirmation, please verify that your mailing address displayed in CAS is accurate.
Q19: I have been through the issues here and I still can't access my application information. What can I do?
A19: Go through the following steps:
  1. Open CAS again through the On-Line Services page.
  2. Verify that the date of birth you are entering in CAS exactly matches the information on your application, passport and identity documents and that you are following the format as specified.
  3. Verify that the place of birth you are entering in CAS exactly matches the information on your application, passport and identity documents and that you are following the format as specified.
  4. Verify the spelling and order of your surname or family name on the correspondence received from the CIC visa office or case processing centre, and on your passport and other supporting documents.
If you are still having difficulties accessing your application information, see question no. 1 on how to find out about the status of your application. If you are still experiencing technical difficulties, please contact us.
Technical questions
Q20: What does it mean when my session times out?
A20: CAS keeps track of periods of inactivity. If you leave your computer for 30 minutes or more while using CAS, you will be asked to log in again. This is a security feature to ensure your identity and protect your information.
Q21: What browsers are supported by CAS?
A21: At this time, you may use the two most common Internet browsers. These are 128-bit Netscape Navigator version 4.7x or higher, and 128-bit Microsoft Internet Explorer version 4.x or higher.
Q22: Why do I need to clear my browser cache?
A22: When you visit a Web site, information, such as the location of the page or the URL, is retained in your browser's memory. In order to protect the privacy of your information, you should empty your browser's memory by clearing your cache. This will ensure that your information remains private.
Q23: How do I upgrade my browser?
A23: We have tested two Web browsers that have been proven to work with CAS. You can link directly to these sites to download or upgrade your version of browser software.
If you use another type of browser software, you should check with your software supplier to make sure that your browser has 128-bit secure sockets layer encryption capability. Citizenship and Immigration Canada is not responsible for any difficulties or problems in downloading and installing software. Software suppliers are responsible for providing technical support.
Q24: What does encryption mean and is it safe to use CAS?
A24: Encryption is a way of covering important information with a code before it is sent over the Internet so that other machines and people cannot read it. Your encrypted application information will be uncovered or decoded on our protected server once it reaches us. CAS uses encryption to make sure that no unauthorized person or group will see your personal information. Information from your computer is encrypted before being sent.
Q25: What is Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)?
A25: Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) is a secure way to transmit personal information from your computer to our Web server. SSL uses encryption, which helps make information sent through the Internet more secure. 128-bit SSL encryption is often used for Internet services, like on-line banking or shopping, for which security of information is important. When you access the personal information of CAS, our server will check your browser's encryption capability.
Q26: How do I log out?
A26: When using CAS, you will see a logout button at the bottom of the page that you must select to end your session. After selecting the logout button, you will see a screen that tells you about other steps to take to make sure that your information remains private.
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check 状态

We were not able to identify you using the information you provided. There could be three possible reasons:
  • Please be sure the information you entered is correct and then try again.
  • This service is only available to clients with applications in process. We may have received your application but not yet begun processing it. The following link may help you determine if your application is being processed:
    Application Processing Times
  • At this time, you may use this on-line service to view the status of your application ONLY if you have:
    • sponsored a member of the family class;
    • applied for permanent residence from within or outside Canada;
    • applied for a permanent resident card (initial, replacement or renewal);
    • applied for Canadian citizenship (grant of citizenship);
    • applied for Canadian citizenship for a person adopted by a Canadian citizen (on or after January 1, 1947);
    • applied for a citizenship certificate (proof of Canadian citizenship);
    • applied to renounce Canadian citizenship; or
    • applied to resume Canadian citizenship.
The Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) may help you to access the status of your application through CAS.
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我申请owp 了,可能半年后审核后给我们
‘2009年6月24号 审理到 2009年1月5日
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aug 7 / jan 27
最后编辑: 2009-08-10
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我申请owp 了,可能半年后审核后给我们
‘2009年6月24号 审理到 2009年1月5日
jul 15 jan 12
jul 21 jan 19
jun 30 jan 25
aug 7 jan 27




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