Go for Chemical Eng. U are gonna hunt a job easily after school in west. Or just change to other Eng. programs if you don't mind. Mechanical, electrical, structural etc. are all hot. Pharmacy need degree of life science as I know, it is completely different from engineering. Many life science guys who can not enter medical school will consider to become a pharmacist or lab assistant.
My observation sounds like subjective but I did see a lot of people find good jobs after graduation. Most of them are coming from IT and Engineering. So it is all about probability. U can either choose to continue your current program which I don't think it is a wise decision, or simlpy change to another high-employment profession.
How are you guys doing!
I'm in Vancouver now, and I'll leave Canada for China on Sept 30. I'm busy preparing a proposal and I don't have telephone, so I will contact you next time when I come again and settle down.
Best regards! Good luck!