“Depending on whether your relatives live inside or outside Canada, the application kits for sponsorship and permanent residence are different. Be sure to choose the correct application package. For instance:
If your spouse, partner or accompanying dependent child lives with you in Canada, use the Application for Permanent Residence in CanadaSpouse or Common-law Partner.
If your spouse, partner or dependent child lives abroad, use the Application to Sponsor a Member of the Family Class. ”
我现在的状况是已经帮儿子申请到签证,在申请移民期间,他是跟我住在加拿大的。那我是选“live with me in Canada"。
2.我在加给孩子申请,老公和孩子在国内,想问一下需要办理同意孩子移民的分离声明公证吗?(在3903e文件中看到在第7页有关于DECLARATION FROM NON-ACCOMPANYING PARENT/GUARDIAN FOR MINORS IMMIGRATING TO CANADA的表格,如果要公证必需按照这个格式公证吗?)