Very glad to see Jennifer's reply to me,so nice and inspiring.
In fact I've been thinking about what to do during the following 3 years on the way,maybe get a certificate sach as CPA and work in this line for 1 year. This would be of great help I believe to get myself ready, however I am calculating how hard it would be ahead... I can't yet make my decision to get start because I am not sure if I could stick to it...I am sorry for myself.
Hope this doesn't bother you, and hope you have a nice day and a sweet dream Jennifer.
真希望mm当个理财顾问,我就放心地交给mm make money哈哈。很赞同工作着是美丽的观点,我没有太大的野心,只想两年内拿个加拿大的学历找个一般的工作,cover加拿大的费用足够了。其实我选择移民加拿大真的是厌倦了国内所谓经商的无奈,国内的经商环境也许有过此经历的人都知道,不想步履薄冰的趟这个浑水。还是心安地享受蓝天白云吧!