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工作签证 想去加国做住家保姆


回复: 想去加国做住家保姆

我想和nicy,盈儿和jasmine mimi说:
等待真的很让人煎熬,但胜利就在前方了! 再耐心等待一下下:wdb10:
回复: 想去加国做住家保姆

Applying for permanent residence from within Canada: Live-in caregivers (IMM 5290)

The Application Process

Gather the necessary documents which can be found in the Document Checklist Before you begin your application with CIC, you should make sure that you meet the requirements under the Live-in Caregiver Program
Complete and submit your application
Pay the fees, fill out the application forms and mail your completed package as outlined in this guide
The Case Processing Centre in Vegreville (CPC-V) checks the completeness of your application
Did you include your payment and all completed and signed forms in your package?

If yes, an acknowledgement letter will be sent to you If no, your application is returned to you.
The CPC-V processes your application
Does your application meet the requirements for approval?

If yes, a letter of approval describing next steps will be sent to youIf no, a letter of explanation will be sent to you
You obtain Permanent Residence Status
Action you must takeCPC-S processCIC Assessment
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Date Modified: 2010-03-17

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Important Notices
回复: 想去加国做住家保姆

long time no c the cic website about live-in caregiver program,there was a news:
Effective April 1, 2010, live-in caregivers working in Canada under the Live-in Caregiver Program:
  • have two options for calculating their work experience to be eligible to apply for permanent residence:
    • 24 months of authorized full-time employment, or
    • a total of 3,900 hours of authorized full-time employment;
  • have four years from their date of arrival to complete the employment requirement to be eligible for permanent residence under the Program; and
  • no longer need to undergo the standard mandatory requirement for a second medical exam when applying for permanent residence.


回复: 想去加国做住家保姆

回复: 想去加国做住家保姆

long time no c the cic website about live-in caregiver program,there was a news:

Effective April 1, 2010, live-in caregivers working in Canada under the Live-in Caregiver Program:
  • have two options for calculating their work experience to be eligible to apply for permanent residence:
    • 24 months of authorized full-time employment, or
    • a total of 3,900 hours of authorized full-time employment;
  • have four years from their date of arrival to complete the employment requirement to be eligible for permanent residence under the Program; and
  • no longer need to undergo the standard mandatory requirement for a second medical exam when applying for permanent residence.

天呀! 为什么我要体检呀!!!!!!!!


回复: 想去加国做住家保姆

温哥华! 你中国那边收到信没有?
回复: 想去加国做住家保姆


唉呀! 你也先别心灰, 毕竟我们都付出了这么多,金钱上的+肉体上的,10号, 也是四月底收到信的, 我也体检了




注册帐号. 太容易了!


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