1. At this time all the documents that we require have been received, your application has been sent to a Visa Officer
for final review. Please be patient. To monitor your application please go to the on-line case status page.
2. Please note that we anticipate to
finalise case in Sep.
3. Please note that you may send another request
for expedition of application in mid September”
1.Your application is in queue
for sending out request letter. Please be patient.(2009年12月底前补料)
2.Your application is in queue
for review. Please be patient..(2010年3月底前补料)
3. Please be advised that case is
still under background check review.
4. Your application is
in queue for review, exact review schedule is not available; please know that all applications are in queue of date received.
5. Please be advised that initial assessment of your application has been done and your case
is now pending the issuance of medical instruction forms. However, in order to minimize the time that we hold the passport (s), and provide you with the longest possible validity on your immigrant visa we will only be issuing your medical instruction in the coming months. Please be assured that this will in no way effect the processing time of your application. Please do not write to our office to request medical instructions, we will contact you when the medical exam/passport is required. Again, this will not change or delay the processing time of your application. Should your contact details change please advise us. If are represented by an Agent it is our department's policy to use the Agent's mailing address for all legal documents such as medical instructions and visa(s). Should you wish to receive your medical instructions or visa(s) directly please have your Agent email our office stating that they have no objections:
6. Please be advised that we have completed the initial review of your application which
is now in queue for mailing of medical instruction forms. In order to minimize the time that we hold passport (s), and provide you with the longest possible validity on your immigrant visa we will only be issuing your medical instruction in the coming ** months. Please be assured that this will in no way effect the processing time of your application.
7. Please be advised that the status of your application has not changed since our last e-mail reply to you. We understand that you wish to be informed of any changes in your status; therefore we welcome you to visit the Case Status Request page on our web site:
http://www.canadainternational.gc.c...spx?lang=eng-case-status-request-en.aspPlease understand that our office cannot provide you with an update of your status by email on a regular basis, but rest assured that we will contact you if necessary.
Thank you for your continued interest in Canada.