回复: 【29项紧缺职业】2010年626妥投统计
昨天我跟几个朋友从美国去了一次加拿大。因为其中两个朋友只是US visitor 身粉 (status),所以at border的时候一定要下车进去Canada的移民局打印。我是同车的,也一起进去了。当officer看我的US护照是suddenly ask me, "When do you want to settle in Canada if you get approved?" I was shock for a moment. I just said as soon as Canada grant me the visa. I asked the officer if he has any idea when I will hear from CIO or Buffalo. He shook his head and handed me back my passport. When I was inside the Custom, the officer looked at my passport, filped through the pasges, swiped my bio page and typed some notes in the computer.
我觉得even though我还没有拿到PER, 但是我的 passport#已经记录了在Canada的电脑系统了。大家这么看?