To learn about employment news, to find information on the Québec labour market and employment prospects within the various regions in Québec, consult the following sites:
Comités sectoriels de main-d'œuvre
Some of the sectoral workforce committees’ websites offer information on professions and trades, the current job market and continuing education for the sector under their mandate
Pacte pour l'emploi
A series of measures to facilitate access to the job market for all those who wish to work, enhance the value of work, improve labour training and business productivity and respond to regional labour needs
Recrutement Santé Québec
For physicians who earned their degrees outside Canada and the United States
Service Canada - Job Futures Québec
This site offers statistics on trades and occupations, job descriptions, the most up-to-date occupational titles and the main industries that are hiring
The following links are mentioned elsewhere in this section of the site. They are listed here to provide you easy access. We recommend, however, that you first read the information pertaining to these sites to find out if they are relevant to your needs. Job market (additional information)