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回复: 9.1技术移民北京最新进展追踪

但是今年到现在,还没有一个ME 的,就觉得形势更不好了。所以,今年A或B,对NOTE**的同学来说,都是很乐观的计划了。

回复: 9.1技术移民北京最新进展追踪

At this time, we are not actively processing Federal Skilled Worker cases submitted before February 27, 2008 as we have sufficient applications in process to meet our assigned targets. Updates on the processing of applications submitted before February 27, 2008 will be provided when new information is available.

回复: 9.1技术移民北京最新进展追踪

At this time, we are not actively processing Federal Skilled Worker cases submitted before February 27, 2008 as we have sufficient applications in process to meet our assigned targets. Updates on the processing of applications submitted before February 27, 2008 will be provided when new information is available.



回复: 9.1技术移民北京最新进展追踪

不是相信谁不相信谁的问题,而是要认真分析一下,2010年和2011年对我们91新政到底有什么不同,和即将面临的新问题。我个人担心的问题就是这个we have sufficient applications in process to meet our assigned targets。
回复: 9.1技术移民北京最新进展追踪

At this time, we are not actively processing Federal Skilled Worker cases submitted before February 27, 2008 as we have sufficient applications in process to meet our assigned targets. Updates on the processing of applications submitted before February 27, 2008 will be provided when new information is available.

回复: 9.1技术移民北京最新进展追踪

At this time, we are not actively processing Federal Skilled Worker cases submitted before February 27, 2008 as we have sufficient applications in process to meet our assigned targets. Updates on the processing of applications submitted before February 27, 2008 will be provided when new information is available.


最后编辑: 2011-04-21
回复: 9.1技术移民北京最新进展追踪

At this time, we are not actively processing Federal Skilled Worker cases submitted between February 27, 2008 and June 26,2010 as we have sufficient applications in process to meet our assigned targets. Updates on the processing of applications submitted between February 27, 2008 and June 26,2010 will be provided when new information is available.
回复: 9.1技术移民北京最新进展追踪

回复: 9.1技术移民北京最新进展追踪

我决定去加拿大后只工作、生娃、养娃,决不消费。 等退休了就拿着钱会去养老,这都是他们逼我的。通过这几年的时间,我越来越觉得加拿大政府还没有我们政府可靠。说不定哪天就真的排华了。靠,康胖子。。。
回复: 9.1技术移民北京最新进展追踪


Dear ##,

Thank you for your enquiry regarding your application for permanent residence under the Federal Skilled Worker category. Unfortunately, at this time it will take longer to process Federal Skilled Worker applications submitted under the first set of Ministerial Instructions (between February 27, 2008 and June 25, 2010) than originally projected. This is due to the fact that the volume of applications received during this time was much higher than anticipated. With the introduction of the cap on submissions under the second set of Ministerial Instructions (effective June 26, 2010), the intake of new Federal Skilled Worker applications has been limited to better match the number that can be processed within the annual immigration levels plan tabled in Parliament.




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