斯坦福 IT


回复: 有关EI的申请和案例


回复: 有关EI的申请和案例


事情是这样的:我申请到了从2010年12月19日到今年4月17日共15周的sickness EI,5月22日激活原有帐号申请产假及父母假EI,今天在网上查得处理结果:maternity benefits, end day of claim:December 17,2011年.有点迷惘.我记得楼主曾说过,病假产假及父母假EI一起时是不受一年期限制的.是否政府搞错了?我是否该到service canada处询问,去到时可以拿出哪些有理的证据?
回复: 有关EI的申请和案例

关于我的病假产假及父母假EI,我在今年1月份曾请教过楼主了,没想到现在又被这件事困扰,再次请教楼主! 事情是这样的:我申请到了从2010年12月19日到今年4月17日共15周的sickness EI,5月22日激活原有帐号申请产假及父母假EI,今天在网上查得处理结果:maternity benefits, end day of claimecember 17,2011年.有点迷惘.我记得楼主曾说过,病假产假及父母假EI一起时是不受一年期限制的.是否政府搞错了?我是否该到service canada处询问,去到时可以拿出哪些有理的证据?

不错。你虽然是激活了产假及父母假EI,但父母EI是要在小孩出生后才能领取,所以它没说“parental benefits, end day of claim December 17,2011”。


You have received sickness benefits before or after your maternity benefits!

You could receive up to a maximum of 65 weeks of combined sickness, maternity and parental benefits instead of the normal combined maximum of 50 weeks. In order to be eligible for the increased number of weeks, the following conditions must be met during your benefit period:

* you have not been paid regular or fishing benefits ;
* you have been paid sickness, maternity and parental benefits; and
* you have been paid less than the maximum of 15 weeks of sickness benefits or less than 35 weeks of parental benefits.

See examples.


Example 1

Number of weeks paid in your benefit period: 15 sickness + 15 maternity + 20 parental = 50 weeks. You could receive 15 more weeks of parental benefits because during your benefit period:

* you have not been paid regular or fishing benefits;
* you have been paid sickness, maternity and parental benefits and you have not received the maximum number of weeks of parental benefits.

In this example, the new combined maximum benefits would be 65 weeks.

如果到时不给,就将Example 1拿给它看便可,这便是有力的理由了。
回复: 有关EI的申请和案例

谢谢楼主!因为在激活帐号时,我选择了申请matermity(include matermity and parenty),所以我就理解为它批的是产假及父母假。请问万一我需要去找他们的话,是打印你上面的example 1呢还是上政府的什么网站?给我个链接好吗!
回复: 有关EI的申请和案例

回复: 有关EI的申请和案例

回复: 有关EI的申请和案例



You have received sickness benefits before or after your maternity benefits!

You could receive up to a maximum of 65 weeks of combined sickness, maternity and parental benefits instead of the normal combined maximum of 50 weeks. In order to be eligible for the increased number of weeks, the following conditions must be met during your benefit period:

* you have not been paid regular or fishing benefits ;
* you have been paid sickness, maternity and parental benefits; and
* you have been paid less than the maximum of 15 weeks of sickness benefits or less than 35 weeks of parental benefits.

See examples.


回复: 有关EI的申请和案例

我们刚填完online application, 但是有些留空了,像ROE的信息, 银行,医生证明,以后再带去service canada可以吗? 因为还没拿到roe那些。

只要带“[FONT=宋体] * [/FONT]”的提示部分填写了,便好。ROE和医生证明,尽快获取,寄送;没提供银行信息,政府只好寄支票。
回复: 有关EI的申请和案例

可以请问下,roe表中有个15A total insurable hours according to chart on reverse 和 15B total insurable earnings according to chart on reverse 是什么意思呢?好像更工资发票上的不一样啊?




注册帐号. 太容易了!


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