多谢指点!可问题是我比较喜欢用天然环保的办法。关于Weed B Gone我先生查了一下出身,你有兴趣也可以看看。我们家里有小孩子的还是谨慎用为好。
Weed B Gone uses several chemicals that have all kinds of toxic side effects to everyone including your soil. It's made of 'Mecoprop', 'Dicamba' and '2,4-D'. The 2,4-D alone is a serious poison. If you took a lifesaver size container of 2,4-D -- considered one of the safest pesticides on the market -- and
poured it on the skin of 4 kindergarten children, you would kill 2 of them. And they would not have to drink it, or breathe it. All they'd have to do is put it on their skin. That alone should tell you plenty about Weed B Gone. I won't go into the Dicamba or the Mecoprop today but if someone at Prairie Gardens tries to tell you it is safe, remember that scenario.
2,4-D kills people every year who use it and they do not drink the stuff. It's a poison. That's why they put it in Weed B Gone.