回复: 请教大家关于南区房子的问题
Basically the book is made by volunteers, there are lots of parent volunteers.
I totally agreed with the townhouse, quite a few friends want to sell their townhouses near Nellie and it is so hard to sell. One have been trying for 4 years and it is still on the market.
Basically the book is made by volunteers, there are lots of parent volunteers.
I totally agreed with the townhouse, quite a few friends want to sell their townhouses near Nellie and it is so hard to sell. One have been trying for 4 years and it is still on the market.
Nellie McCleung,南面唯一提供gate课程的小学,卡城最好的小学之一。我就是冲着这所学校搬过去的,握爪握爪。
townhouse保值性和私密性都不如single house。