家庭旅馆 国内机票版 海运专栏 房版


回复: 8月递交的进度表

不过很开心和你同一天AR, 以后我们一起做伴等进度了。
回复: 8月递交的进度表

不过很开心和你同一天AR, 以后我们一起做伴等进度了。

回复: 8月递交的进度表

亲爱的. 你太幸运了.我瞄了好几眼都是说继续审理.要6个月.说你快就是快拉. 是只叫你寄护照.孩子她妈. 恭喜你了.
我刚说和你比进度那.算了.比不过你了... 你快点寄护照.准备拿大信封吧.
我公司是世界挺知名的大公司在全世界100多个国家都有自己的子公司,公司考虑到员工的家庭问题也可以由一个国家转到另一个国家继续工作. 所以啦这也许是自己幸运的地方.不过没有签证等于白说.
回复: 8月递交的进度表

我觉的案子简单的人进度都非常的快,从8月里几个交护照和毕业的人当中就可以充分的看出来. 就算去面试也没有直接拘签的.可想而知越是等的时间长的人后面就越危险.上帝保佑我吧.没等一天就是向坏的那面更逼近了一步.
回复: 8月递交的进度表

亲爱的, 再问你下. 我刚又看了遍北京的信. 他只说寄东西给他的时候要用EMS什么的. 但都没有提到护照这个字.
你的信里则么写的.什么顺序写的呀. 人家说分别收到2封信的. 1封会是寄护照. 你1封就全写了呀.
回复: 8月递交的进度表

回复: 8月递交的进度表

亲爱的, 再问你下. 我刚又看了遍北京的信. 他只说寄东西给他的时候要用EMS什么的. 但都没有提到护照这个字.
你的信里则么写的.什么顺序写的呀. 人家说分别收到2封信的. 1封会是寄护照. 你1封就全写了呀.

再耐心读读,就在邮件里,Be advised that your application is processing normally and is in queue for assessment. If you have not already submitted your passport(s), please do so as soon as possible. This request does not constitute a decision on your application. If required, we will contact you regarding any additional requirements related to your application.
We recommend that you submit all documents using EMS or registered mail.When you do so, you should clearly note for your records the registered mail number. If you would like confirmation that your documents have been delivered to the Embassy, you should contact your postal service directly. Our office is unable to provide confirmation for each document we receive.
Please note that all correspondence in a language other than English or French MUST be accompanied by an English or French translation.
最后编辑: 2011-12-12
回复: 8月递交的进度表

现在没有邮寄护照过去,到时候审批过了 使馆肯定会email要求寄的,这就是所谓的第二封信,但是拖延了时间。
回复: 8月递交的进度表

就在邮件里,Be advised that your application is processing normally and is in queue for assessment. If you have not already submitted your passport(s), please do so as soon as possible. This request does not constitute a decision on your application. If required, we will contact you regarding any additional requirements related to your application.
We recommend that you submit all documents using EMS or registered mail.When you do so, you should clearly note for your records the registered mail number. If you would like confirmation that your documents have been delivered to the Embassy, you should contact your postal service directly. Our office is unable to provide confirmation for each document we receive.
Please note that all correspondence in a language other than English or French MUST be accompanied by an English or French translation.
我就是缺了你中间的那句话。可以理解的, 我也明白自己的案子不至于简单到那么快。
只要12月内让我交护照 DM我就很幸福了
回复: 8月递交的进度表

[FONT=宋体]我的[/FONT][FONT=宋体]HK AR [/FONT][FONT=宋体]信是系统自动发的[/FONT][FONT=宋体], [/FONT][FONT=宋体]只是说什么时候收到申请[/FONT][FONT=宋体], [/FONT][FONT=宋体]其它什么都没说[/FONT][FONT=宋体].[/FONT]
回复: 8月递交的进度表

最后编辑: 2011-12-13
回复: 8月递交的进度表

回复: 8月递交的进度表

Dear XXX:
This will confirm that we have received your application for permanent residence in Canada on 08/23/2011.
Your application has been assigned the above file number. Please take note of it for future reference.
Applications for permanent residence in Canada in the immigrant category in which you have applied currently require approximately six (6) months to process at this office for routine cases.
Be advised that your application is processing normally and is in queue for assessment. If you have not already submitted your passport(s), please do so as soon as possible. This request does not constitute a decision on your application. If required, we will contact you regarding any additional requirements related to your application.
We recommend that you submit all documents using EMS or registered mail.When you do so, you should clearly note for your records the registered mail number. If you would like confirmation that your documents have been delivered to the Embassy, you should contact your postal service directly. Our office is unable to provide confirmation for each document we receive.
Please note that all correspondence in a language other than English or French MUST be accompanied by an English or French translation.
If you have provided an e-mail address on your application, please check it regularly as we will be using e-mail as primary means of communication.

Thank you for your interest in Canada.

Please note that this is a computer generated letter that does not require a signature.




注册帐号. 太容易了!


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