回复: 枫言枫语--四十岁女人的碎碎行
小女来了半年,从一句英文不会到昨天开始尝试写东西,虽然很多很多地方有错误,但是无论怎样都是个进步,希望坛子里的阿姨叔叔哥哥姐姐帅哥靓妹 多多给俺家小女些鼓励.希望两年后她能懂得自己付出得到的回报
Toronto's climate
I come from China.When it is April,I get to Toronto.In summer,it is hot in May,June and July.In autume,it is also windy and is getting cold. it is cold in August and September.And Canada's mapple leaf is very beautiful. In winter,it is cold in November and December. it is very cold in January. and it is snows sometimes.
Sorry,In spring I am not come Toronto yet.so I don't know what's Spring like.but I guess it is very beautiful,and tree,grass,flowers are very green and beautiful.the bird sing song.......
小女来了半年,从一句英文不会到昨天开始尝试写东西,虽然很多很多地方有错误,但是无论怎样都是个进步,希望坛子里的阿姨叔叔哥哥姐姐帅哥靓妹 多多给俺家小女些鼓励.希望两年后她能懂得自己付出得到的回报
Toronto's climate
I come from China.When it is April,I get to Toronto.In summer,it is hot in May,June and July.In autume,it is also windy and is getting cold. it is cold in August and September.And Canada's mapple leaf is very beautiful. In winter,it is cold in November and December. it is very cold in January. and it is snows sometimes.
Sorry,In spring I am not come Toronto yet.so I don't know what's Spring like.but I guess it is very beautiful,and tree,grass,flowers are very green and beautiful.the bird sing song.......