回复: 拿工作签证的,可以带孩子来读书吗?
我有朋友是访问学者,孩子来后直接免费入学的。约克区教育局有一个专门针对孩子入学要求的文件,叫Board Policy #163.0 School Admission,其中有一条是这样写的:
Other resident students from outside Canada, who may be exempt from the payment of fees (these students should be reported as resident students for grant purposes), are:
a) participants in formal reciprocal exchange programs.
b)an in-Canada applicant for permanent resident status or Canadian citizenship whose biological/adoptive parent is a Canadian citizen or permanent resident and is a resident in York Region.
c)an applicant for permanent resident status in Canada whose biological/adoptive parent has applied for permanent resident status in Canada and is a resident of York Region.
d)dependents of:
i) a holder of a work permit or an applicant for a work permit
ii) a holder of a temporary resident permit issued under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (Canada) (IRPA)
iii) a diplomat
iv) a member of visiting forces
v) refugee claimants and convention refugees with current documentation
vi) a full-time student at an accredited university, college or institution in Ontario with authorization under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (Canada) (IRPA)
vii) a person authorized to teach at an accredited institution in Ontario in accordance with an agreement with a university outside Canada.
viii) a religious worker authorized to work in Canada under clause 186(1) of the Regulations made under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (Canada) (IRPA)
ix) Non-resident Canadian citizens or permanent residents living with a relative within York Region.