回复: 加拿大技术移民规则,不改不行了
当地时间7月17日,移民部网站发布了题为“Revised Federal Skilled Worker Program Enveiled"(联邦技术移民项目修改案揭幕)的新闻,概述了移民局对该项目的修改方案如下:
1,把语言能力作为最重要的因素,具体表现在:第一,设立最新语言能力要求;第二,提高语言的打分(Making language the most important selection factor by establishing new minimum official language thresholds and increasing points for language)
2,吸引年轻移民(Increasing the emphasis on younger immigrants, who are more likely to acquire valuable Canadian experience and remain in the workforce longer)
3,工作经验:提高加拿大工作经验得分,同时减少国外工作经验分(Increasing points for Canadian work experience and reducing points for foreign work experience)
4,简化已有雇主的申请人的申请程序,防止作假及项目滥用,同时使雇主更快招人(Simplifying the arranged employment process to prevent fraud and abuse yet enable employers to staff positions quickly)
5,配偶加分:配偶的语言能力及在加拿大的工作经验可以获配偶加分Awarding points for spousal language ability and Canadian experience)
6,海外学历需经加拿大相关机构评估(introduction of the Educational Credential Assessment a mandatory requirement that FSWP applicants have their education abroad assessed against Canadian education standards by designated organizations)。