回复: 8月22日上午的询问信-下午使馆回复(对DM时间有明确说法)
这么长的也回了,厉害对不起,这信的写法我就不公开了,反正有点长,500字左右,很不卑不亢的数落了他们一顿,我估计他们看完了,很汗颜。我以参加国际会议为切入点展开的,很多部分只能适用与我,我从FSW的高度,告诉了他们我对加拿大的适应性。 下面一小段可以分享。
”I believe that the purpose of the FSW program is to promote the future development of Canada by selecting those who are able to establish themselves in Canada. With my 7-year education and work experience in North America, I am sure that my attendance to this conference will further help me serve this purpose.“