家庭旅馆 国内机票版 海运专栏 房版


回复: 接过石头的大旗:2012年ME的北京TX继续喉DM


On behalf on the cohort of FSW applicants listed below whose cases are awaiting finalization, we would like to respectfully present this joint letter to the Immigration Office, Canadian Embassy.

We would like to express our concern about the efficiency of application finalization based on two reasons. First, some of the applications lodged in 2010 have been in process for more than 30 months, which is mathematically significantly (p < .05) longer than the average processing time listed on your website. Second, most of the applications listed below have been in queue for finalization for more 6 months after the medical results were officially received. The extended waiting time had already complicated our settlement in Canada; hereby we have to complete the preparation and landing in a matter of about 3 months. We truly value the FSW program, which we believe aims to help those who have the capability to contribute to the future development of Canada. We sincerely hope to fulfill the purpose of the FSW program together with your office.

As 2012 approaches its end, our concern grows, given the number of holidays and vacations in the next a few months and the relatively more efficient application processing at the office in Hong Kong.

We totally understand the pressure and stress you are under as a visa office. We also would like to consult with you if there is anything both you and us can do to have an early finalization of our cases. We would like to appreciate your support in our efforts to build a better future of Canada.

We are look forward to hearing from you and thank you for your kind consideration.


回复: 接过石头的大旗:2012年ME的北京TX继续喉DM

回复: 接过石头的大旗:2012年ME的北京TX继续喉DM


1、[FONT=宋体]原文[/FONT]more 6 months[FONT=宋体]”,少个[/FONT]than[FONT=宋体],而且[/FONT]3[FONT=宋体]月初体检的,至今已超过[/FONT]8[FONT=宋体]个月了。做为联名信应该将最[/FONT]urgent的[FONT=宋体]时间列出来,是不是?建议改为[/FONT]more than 8 months[FONT=宋体]。另外,根据我的经验,如写[/FONT]6[FONT=宋体]个月[/FONT]VO[FONT=宋体]可能不会急着处理。[/FONT]

回复: 接过石头的大旗:2012年ME的北京TX继续喉DM


回复: 接过石头的大旗:2012年ME的北京TX继续喉DM


On behalf on the cohort of FSW applicants listed below whose cases are awaiting finalization, we would like to respectfully present this joint letter to the Immigration Office, Canadian Embassy.

We would like to express our concern about the efficiency of application finalization based on two reasons. First, some of the applications lodged in 2010 have been in process for more than 30 months, which is mathematically significantly (p < .05) longer than the average processing time listed on your website. Second, most of the applications listed below have been in queue for finalization for more than 8 months after the medical results were officially received. The extended waiting time had already complicated our settlement in Canada, hereby leaving us very little room to prepare for landing before our medical results expires in the coming February or March. We truly value the FSW program, which we believe aims to help those who have the capability to contribute to the future development of Canada. We sincerely hope to fulfill the purpose of the FSW program together with your office.

As 2012 approaches its end, our concern grows, given the number of holidays and vacations in the next a few months and the relatively more efficient application processing at the office in Hong Kong.

We totally understand the pressure and stress you are under as a visa office. We also would like to request for a prompt finalization of our cases. We would like to appreciate your support in our efforts to build a better future of Canada.

We are look forward to hearing from you and thank you for your kind consideration.

回复: 接过石头的大旗:2012年ME的北京TX继续喉DM


On behalf on the cohort of FSW applicants listed below whose cases are awaiting finalization, we would like to respectfully present this joint letter to the Immigration Office, Canadian Embassy.

We would like to express our concern about the efficiency of application finalization based on two reasons. First, some of the applications lodged in 2010 have been in process for more than 30 months, which is mathematically significantly (p < .05) longer than the average processing time listed on your website. Second, most of the applications listed below have been in queue for finalization for more 6 months after the medical results were officially received. The extended waiting time had already complicated our settlement in Canada; hereby we have to complete the preparation and landing in a matter of about 3 months. We truly value the FSW program, which we believe aims to help those who have the capability to contribute to the future development of Canada. We sincerely hope to fulfill the purpose of the FSW program together with your office.

As 2012 approaches its end, our concern grows, given the number of holidays and vacations in the next a few months and the relatively more efficient application processing at the office in Hong Kong.

We totally understand the pressure and stress you are under as a visa office. We also would like to consult with you if there is anything both you and us can do to have an early finalization of our cases. We would like to appreciate your support in our efforts to build a better future of Canada.

We are look forward to hearing from you and thank you for your kind consideration.

我的app no.收到了吗?
回复: 接过石头的大旗:2012年ME的北京TX继续喉DM

可否在“We also would like to request a prompt finalization of our cases”后面加一句“我们希望在今年底前结案”?
回复: 接过石头的大旗:2012年ME的北京TX继续喉DM

回复: 接过石头的大旗:2012年ME的北京TX继续喉DM


回复: 接过石头的大旗:2012年ME的北京TX继续喉DM

回复: 接过石头的大旗:2012年ME的北京TX继续喉DM



回复: 接过石头的大旗:2012年ME的北京TX继续喉DM


1、[FONT=宋体]原文[/FONT]more 6 months[FONT=宋体]”,少个[/FONT]than[FONT=宋体],而且[/FONT]3[FONT=宋体]月初体检的,至今已超过[/FONT]8[FONT=宋体]个月了。做为联名信应该将最[/FONT]urgent的[FONT=宋体]时间列出来,是不是?建议改为[/FONT]more than 8 months[FONT=宋体]。另外,根据我的经验,如写[/FONT]6[FONT=宋体]个月[/FONT]VO[FONT=宋体]可能不会急着处理。[/FONT]


回复: 接过石头的大旗:2012年ME的北京TX继续喉DM


On behalf on the cohort of FSW applicants listed below whose cases are awaiting finalization, we would like to respectfully present this joint letter to the Immigration Office, Canadian Embassy.

We would like to express our concern about the efficiency of application finalization based on two reasons. First, some of the applications lodged in 2010 have been in process for more than 30 months, which is mathematically significantly (p < .05) longer than the average processing time listed on your website. Second, most of the applications listed below have been in queue for finalization for more 6 months after the medical results were officially received. The extended waiting time had already complicated our settlement in Canada; hereby we have to complete the preparation and landing in a matter of about 3 months. We truly value the FSW program, which we believe aims to help those who have the capability to contribute to the future development of Canada. We sincerely hope to fulfill the purpose of the FSW program together with your office.

As 2012 approaches its end, our concern grows, given the number of holidays and vacations in the next a few months and the relatively more efficient application processing at the office in Hong Kong.

We totally understand the pressure and stress you are under as a visa office. We also would like to consult with you if there is anything both you and us can do to have an early finalization of our cases. We would like to appreciate your support in our efforts to build a better future of Canada.

We are look forward to hearing from you and thank you for your kind consideration.






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