回复: 卡城流水账
Soooo, some of you have probably seen this video already. But I have tried very hard not to give a fuck like this man. So I show you this video anyway. Damn! Ohhhh my God! Ohhhh my God! Look at all these cobras. And he does not even care! He's like, he's just doing his job. And he, he's, Ohhh my God! What kind of balls does this man have. He's just... ohhhhh my God! Ohhh my God! Oh my God! this man does not give a two shit flying fuck! Two shit flying fuck is looking for this man. And this man is nowhere to be found! But I bet if you look up a dictionary for "I don't give a fuck" You will see this man's face there! This man does not give a fuck. It's like God created this man on a busy day, and he forgot to put fear in his heart! There is no fear in this man heart. Only blood. This man has the biggest balls ever. Not like human balls. I bet he has like big gigantic invisible dinosaur balls in his butts! They are invisible, that's why you cannot see them! You people think I don't give a fuck! This man does not even know what fuck mean! If this man was on the snake on a plane movie, the movie will finish in 5 seconds! 5 seconds! The movie will finish. Look how he is tossing the cobras I said like he does not even care! There are like a hundred cobras in this pit! And not a single one fuck was giving by this man! This man has 99 problems! But a cobra is not one! He is handling the cobras and putting them aside like, like they are potatoes! Like, look at this, potato no. 1, potato no. 2, potato no. 3! Imagine this guy going on a chat with a guy and this guy is like "so, what do you do for living?" And he's like, "I toss cobras aside" How fucking awesome is that answer! This man has his man arms of concrete! The guy has balls, man! He's not even showing any sign of fear! He even faces the cobras like there's nothing happening. Look at this! Ohhh shit! Ohhh shit! Oh My Fucking God! Oh My Fucking God! Did you see that! The cobras nearly fucked up his face! His face, his face was facing the cobras like this! They are nearly fucking up! This guy is fucking insane! And look at these cobras just standing there like "don't touch me man!! don't fuck with me man!! don't touch my sister!! why do you have to touch my xxx leave my xxx alone! leave my xxx alone before I fuck you up!" And this man still don't care! And how the fuck is he going to get out of that pit without like stepping on a cobra or something! I am xxx xxx that no amount of money will ever make me do this job! Fuck that shit! I have big balls but they are not this fucking big! No fucking way! This shit is banana's! This is so banana shit going out right there! I will never ever go near this shit! This is banana's! So banana shit right there! Fuck the shit! But yeah, the man has big balls! I will give him that! You take your balls and go! I don't want them! Bye Bye!!