回复: 求助萨省家属提名类
同学们,我有了新进展了,之前通知我补考雅思,我重新递了一份新的job offer,现在过两个月了,他们回我了,现在通知我上网做一个雇主资格担保申请,没有再提起任何雅思的问题了。请问现在要如何上网申请呢?他们给我一个链接的网站,信上是这样说的,请大家帮我参考
The SINP has received a new job offer from the ***** cafe for
position of Baker. All job offers must be accompanied by a
Confirmation of Job Approval letter in order to be assessed. This is
the information for the employer:
Please note, your employer must register on line and receive preapproval
for your job before your application can proceed.
Your employer must register at:
Your employer may find more information at:
Once the position is approved, please obtain a copy of the SINP
Confirmation of Job Approval from your employer and forward a
copy with your application to the SINP office.
Unless you have contacted us within the 45 days, the file will be
assessed 'as is' and it will affect the final decision on your file.
Thank you.
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