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[40] The Respondent contends that a selection decision was made by the Officer on May 17, 2012, and therefore the Applicant’s FSW application would be terminated by operation of law pursuant to section 87.4(1) of the IRPA.
根据87.4法律,3月29前没有被VO作出selection decision的案子要被一刀切,朱飞的selection decision是5月17作出的,因此CIC认为他的案子被切了。
[42] The Applicant argues that section 87.4 of the IRPA does not apply in the circumstances of his application. For the reasons that follow, I agree with the Applicant’s submission.
[44] In my view, subsection 87.4(1) is not applicable in the circumstances. The provision cannot serve to strike a validly rendered visa officer’s decision. The provision expressly deals with undecided applications, not decisions. While it is true that Mr. Zhu’s application remained undecided after March 29, 2012, a decision was rendered by the Officer on May 17, 2012 before the provision was passed into law. Had the application not been decided before subsection 87.4(1) was passed into law, then the application would have been terminated. At the time the decision was rendered, the law was not in effect and the decision was valid.
法官认为在329到629期间,87.4没有生效不能起作用,并且他对这些条款的解读是:87.4针对的是尚未被VO作出决定的申请,没有法理让VO在629前的合法决定selection decision也作废。法官这样解读,绝对是康尼以及制定这些条款的人想不到的。