回复: 斯坦福大学忽悠之旅
1. this is not only about going there for you, there might be some tricks and traps (no one knows until he goes there)
2. there are more legal paper issues involved
3. and other possibilities of losing money (see more details in your previous posts)
4. how could you expect other to present your work? In North America, this is regarded as cheating without the legal authorization
5. why people need go there to present your work and let you win for all?
6. you could not even provide legal documents to clarify all other concerns and your photo ID
7. since you expect other to go, why could not you provide the cost for the trip?
So this is never as easy as going to a free seminar, neither the same case of investing.
This is not a friend trip. This is BUSINESS.
You didn't show your right attitude. Everyone knows how business could succeed, which is never all about the product. Mostly, it is about the people, the partner you are working with.