
回复: 会计专业相关人士-CGA学习兴趣小组招募




好像再读一个business law in canada 就行了
回复: 会计专业相关人士-CGA学习兴趣小组招募

Lz好,我现在于College在读,BBA 会记学士program。
对于CGA这条线,我在考虑1,直接拿diploma求职 2,转学分进SFU/UBC完成会记方向的商科; 3就在college完成学士。Univercity毕业求职比较有优势吗? 请大家给点意见,跟家人移民的90后还在迷茫中:wdb2::wdb2: 得换学分考CGA我懂,我想问一下对于本地求职哪个比较好?
回复: 会计专业相关人士-CGA学习兴趣小组招募

Lz好,我现在于College在读,BBA 会记学士program。
对于CGA这条线,我在考虑1,直接拿diploma求职 2,转学分进SFU/UBC完成会记方向的商科; 3就在college完成学士。Univercity毕业求职比较有优势吗? 请大家给点意见,跟家人移民的90后还在迷茫中:wdb2::wdb2: 得换学分考CGA我懂,我想问一下对于本地求职哪个比较好?

回复: 会计专业相关人士-CGA学习兴趣小组招募

3Q:wdb11: 最近上课听老师说今年要把CGA 和CMA合成
最后编辑: 2013-03-15
回复: 会计专业相关人士-CGA学习兴趣小组招募

3Q:wdb11: 最近上课听老师说今年要把CGA 和CMA合成

回复: 会计专业相关人士-CGA学习兴趣小组招募


Accounting Merger News

By now, you've heard a lot of information regarding the merger between the Certified Management Accountants (CMA) and Chartered Accountants (CA) in British Columbia to form the new Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA) designation. The two associations are pursuing a merger and will be offering the new CPA program starting this September. This program will provide a breadth of highly valued business and accounting skills, plus the hands-on experience required to meet the needs of businesses and organizations of all sizes and across all sectors.

Certified General Accountants (CGA) of British Columbia re-joined the merger discussions on February 26, 2013 with CA and CMA in the possibility of unification. Langara College is working with the associations to see how the new CPA program will impact students. The college is currently in the process of determining how the courses from the Professional Accounting and Advanced Accounting programs will meet the CPA requirements. No matter the result of the merger, Langara College will do its best to offer accounting courses to meet both the CPA and CGA requirements.
回复: 会计专业相关人士-CGA学习兴趣小组招募

3Q:wdb11: 最近上课听老师说今年要把CGA 和CMA合成


Certified General Accountants (CGA) of British Columbia re-joined the merger discussions on February 26, 2013 with CA and CMA in the possibility of unification.

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最后编辑: 2013-03-24
回复: 会计专业相关人士-CGA学习兴趣小组招募

我在魁省,请问BC省的前辈,如果我在加拿大的大学里学完External Auditing,Internal Auditing,Applied Topics in Corporate Finance 和Taxation 2 4门,CGA BC 能不能只考PA1 和PA2 两门就可以?其他的pace level的能exemption吗?还是必须考?非常感谢大家!
回复: 会计专业相关人士-CGA学习兴趣小组招募

请教:国内CPA,会计学士学位,温哥华新移民,三十出头的年纪,在国内local audit firm五年以上工作经验,想在温哥华考CGA的话,要怎样做?大概要准备什么资料?谢啦。
回复: 会计专业相关人士-CGA学习兴趣小组招募

请教:国内CPA,会计学士学位,温哥华新移民,三十出头的年纪,在国内local audit firm五年以上工作经验,想在温哥华考CGA的话,要怎样做?大概要准备什么资料?谢啦。


去CGA网站看看,http://www.cga-bc.org/become_a_cga-home.aspx?id=176 不记得国内的CPA对CGA有没有帮助。如果没有,则需要你的大学课程清单去CGA的Office评估,然后就等评估结果了……
回复: 会计专业相关人士-CGA学习兴趣小组招募

我去CGA评估了,CGA要我交MS1的outline,但是我原来的学校没有的阿,我怎么写好呢? 有没有前辈提交过课程outline怎样操作? 我看了上面的说明,需要公证之类的是否真的要阿...


回复: 会计专业相关人士-CGA学习兴趣小组招募

CGA, CA and CMA Sign Agreement to Pursue Merger

We are pleased to announce that the Chairs and CEOs of the Certified Management Accountants Society of BC (CMA BC) and the Certified General Accountants Association of BC (CGA-BC), and the President and CEO of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of BC (ICABC) have signed an agreement to pursue a merger. The three self-regulated accounting designations will work together to become the Chartered Professional Accountants of BC (CPABC) under the national CPA banner.

After extensive consultation, the agreement was reached following votes by the ICABC Council, CGA-BC Board and CMA BC Board in favour of unifying the three organizations. Together, ICABC, CGA-BC and CMA BC will work with the provincial government to enact CPA legislation, legally merge, and establish CPABC.

The three organizations will work together to build Canada’s pre-eminent accounting and business designation. With more than 34,000 members and students in BC, CPABC will foster the growth and evolution of the accounting profession, while also providing the expertise to help businesses in every sector of the economy.

Prior to the enactment of CPA legislation, the three organizations will jointly deliver the nationally-developed CPA Professional Education Program (CPA PEP) and CPA Prerequisite Education Program (CPA PREP) to BC students beginning in the fall of 2013. We will also continue to work with students currently enrolled in the CA, CGA, and CMA programs to complete their studies or transition into the CPA program.

The ICABC, CMA BC, and CGA-BC are working on appointing a Transitional Steering Committee to further guide the strategic direction and development of CPABC, and to support the implementation of the CPA PEP. A further plan to merge all three member services and operations is under development and we expect integrated activity to continue.

Positive momentum continues throughout Canada. CGA-Canada, along with its international affiliates in Asia and the Caribbean and CGA bodies in the Northwest Territories/Nunavut, Yukon, Prince Edward Island and Nova Scotia, rejoined unification discussions on April 24, 2013. In Alberta, CGA, CMA and CA announced that they have signed a plan for the unification of the three regulated accounting designations under the national CPA banner.

Until such time as legislative changes are enacted, CA, CGA, and CMA members will maintain their current designation, and the ICABC, CGA-BC and CMA BC will continue their existing mandates of self-regulation, education, and advocacy.

We will continue to keep you updated as things progress, and will be posting information as it becomes available to our websites and our social media channels.
回复: 会计专业相关人士-CGA学习兴趣小组招募

CGA, CA and CMA Sign Agreement to Pursue Merger

We are pleased to announce that the Chairs and CEOs of the Certified Management Accountants Society of BC (CMA BC) and the Certified General Accountants Association of BC (CGA-BC), and the President and CEO of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of BC (ICABC) have signed an agreement to pursue a merger. The three self-regulated accounting designations will work together to become the Chartered Professional Accountants of BC (CPABC) under the national CPA banner.

After extensive consultation, the agreement was reached following votes by the ICABC Council, CGA-BC Board and CMA BC Board in favour of unifying the three organizations. Together, ICABC, CGA-BC and CMA BC will work with the provincial government to enact CPA legislation, legally merge, and establish CPABC.

The three organizations will work together to build Canada’s pre-eminent accounting and business designation. With more than 34,000 members and students in BC, CPABC will foster the growth and evolution of the accounting profession, while also providing the expertise to help businesses in every sector of the economy.

Prior to the enactment of CPA legislation, the three organizations will jointly deliver the nationally-developed CPA Professional Education Program (CPA PEP) and CPA Prerequisite Education Program (CPA PREP) to BC students beginning in the fall of 2013. We will also continue to work with students currently enrolled in the CA, CGA, and CMA programs to complete their studies or transition into the CPA program.

The ICABC, CMA BC, and CGA-BC are working on appointing a Transitional Steering Committee to further guide the strategic direction and development of CPABC, and to support the implementation of the CPA PEP. A further plan to merge all three member services and operations is under development and we expect integrated activity to continue.

Positive momentum continues throughout Canada. CGA-Canada, along with its international affiliates in Asia and the Caribbean and CGA bodies in the Northwest Territories/Nunavut, Yukon, Prince Edward Island and Nova Scotia, rejoined unification discussions on April 24, 2013. In Alberta, CGA, CMA and CA announced that they have signed a plan for the unification of the three regulated accounting designations under the national CPA banner.

Until such time as legislative changes are enacted, CA, CGA, and CMA members will maintain their current designation, and the ICABC, CGA-BC and CMA BC will continue their existing mandates of self-regulation, education, and advocacy.

We will continue to keep you updated as things progress, and will be posting information as it becomes available to our websites and our social media channels.





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