家庭旅馆 国内机票版 海运专栏 房版

91 dm集合贴 (已有120人dm,91政策dm6月正在继续)

回复: 91 dm集合贴 (已有120人dm,91政策dm6月正在继续)


还有,如果这个真是一个政策,那么应该就不会再有新的 DM 和 Visa 发出,后面直接全切掉了。


回复: 91 dm集合贴 (已有120人dm,91政策dm6月正在继续)

回复: 91 dm集合贴 (已有120人dm,91政策dm6月正在继续)

我们9.1 还没DM的是“屋漏偏锋连阴雨”,不知罢工什么时候结束。
回复: 91 dm集合贴 (已有120人dm,91政策dm6月正在继续)

我们9.1 还没DM的是“屋漏偏锋连阴雨”,不知罢工什么时候结束。

别太担心了。今天我们突然收到[FONT='Arial','sans-serif']Visa and Immigration Section[/FONT]给我们家主申的一封信,提醒他别忘了注册CIIP。其实他已经参加过了啦。我只是想说明他们有人工作的。
回复: 91 dm集合贴 (已有120人dm,91政策dm6月正在继续)

别太担心了。今天我们突然收到[FONT='Arial','sans-serif']Visa and Immigration Section[/font]给我们家主申的一封信,提醒他别忘了注册CIIP。其实他已经参加过了啦。我只是想说明他们有人工作的。

回复: 91 dm集合贴 (已有120人dm,91政策dm6月正在继续)


As part of your preparations for going to Canada, don't forget to register for a free pre-departure orientation seminar offered by CIIP in China. Register now at:


These pre-departure CIIP sessions are offered to you free of charge! They are funded by the government of Canada and are designed to assist you in planning your move to Canada. If you applied for immigration via an immigration agent, please ask them to pass CIIP info to you as this is a free service you are entitled to have.

The CIIP is intended to guide newcomers through the integration process while still in the country of origin and then following arrival in Canada. The seminar will provide a general overview of trends in the Canadian economy, as well as a focus on labour market prospects in the province of destination. CIIP staff also provides a case study of two or more occupations to demonstrate licensing and entrance requirements for both regulated and non-regulated fields of employment. Presentations on opportunities are balanced by an examination of labour market and settlement challenges, and options for addressing these challenges are discussed. The day concludes with a session on job-searching in the Canadian environment. Participants are invited to return the following day for one-on-one counselling sessions at which they can develop an Action Plan.

To learn more, please visit:

回复: 91 dm集合贴 (已有120人dm,91政策dm6月正在继续)


As part of your preparations for going to Canada, don't forget to register for a free pre-departure orientation seminar offered by CIIP in China. Register now at:


These pre-departure CIIP sessions are offered to you free of charge! They are funded by the government of Canada and are designed to assist you in planning your move to Canada. If you applied for immigration via an immigration agent, please ask them to pass CIIP info to you as this is a free service you are entitled to have.

The CIIP is intended to guide newcomers through the integration process while still in the country of origin and then following arrival in Canada. The seminar will provide a general overview of trends in the Canadian economy, as well as a focus on labour market prospects in the province of destination. CIIP staff also provides a case study of two or more occupations to demonstrate licensing and entrance requirements for both regulated and non-regulated fields of employment. Presentations on opportunities are balanced by an examination of labour market and settlement challenges, and options for addressing these challenges are discussed. The day concludes with a session on job-searching in the Canadian environment. Participants are invited to return the following day for one-on-one counselling sessions at which they can develop an Action Plan.

To learn more, please visit:


回复: 91 dm集合贴 (已有120人dm,91政策dm6月正在继续)

回复: 91 dm集合贴 (已有120人dm,91政策dm6月正在继续)

回复: 91 dm集合贴 (已有120人dm,91政策dm6月正在继续)

我是07年11月申请的,09年补过雅思和其他材料,然后一直没消息,以为被切了,去年年底使馆给我发邮件让我体检,我今年3月才看到,然后就去体检了寄护照汇登陆费。5月又让我补存款证明和无刑。6月8号让我交配偶和孩子的processing fee,因为07年申请时还是单身。我做了中国银行的汇票寄过去了。然后现在就是等DM等VISA了
回复: 91 dm集合贴 (已有120人dm,91政策dm6月正在继续)

lam-carman 我们是6月13日Dm,14日visa的,谢谢,6年终于毕业,
回复: 91 dm集合贴 (已有120人dm,91政策dm6月正在继续)


As part of your preparations for going to Canada, don't forget to register for a free pre-departure orientation seminar offered by CIIP in China. Register now at:


These pre-departure CIIP sessions are offered to you free of charge! They are funded by the government of Canada and are designed to assist you in planning your move to Canada. If you applied for immigration via an immigration agent, please ask them to pass CIIP info to you as this is a free service you are entitled to have.

The CIIP is intended to guide newcomers through the integration process while still in the country of origin and then following arrival in Canada. The seminar will provide a general overview of trends in the Canadian economy, as well as a focus on labour market prospects in the province of destination. CIIP staff also provides a case study of two or more occupations to demonstrate licensing and entrance requirements for both regulated and non-regulated fields of employment. Presentations on opportunities are balanced by an examination of labour market and settlement challenges, and options for addressing these challenges are discussed. The day concludes with a session on job-searching in the Canadian environment. Participants are invited to return the following day for one-on-one counselling sessions at which they can develop an Action Plan.

To learn more, please visit:

回复: 91 dm集合贴 (已有120人dm,91政策dm6月正在继续)


回复: 91 dm集合贴 (已有120人dm,91政策dm6月正在继续)

回复: 91 dm集合贴 (已有120人dm,91政策dm6月正在继续)

回复: 91 dm集合贴 (已有120人dm,91政策dm6月正在继续)

twc2000,你确定你米有dm? 看来,凡是有例外啊




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