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回复: 下面5张不同类型的美女,你会选哪一类?


Michelle Libra

流金歲月 感恩惜福
回复: 下面5张不同类型的美女,你会选哪一类?


首先,她的老公比她早10年去世(2003年... 其实大部分夫妻的情况如此/一般女人寿命比男人长,很多婚姻都是男比女大), 对她打击确实很大. 她觉得孤独难过甚至有幻觉都很正常, 这也说明了夫妻感情情深,过了这么大半辈子他走了她仍然活在有他照顾的世界里, 现在还有多少人是这样的呢? 我觉得她的婚姻的幸福是现实生活中很多人都羡慕而期待的.

其次,每个人的晚年都要经历的悲催,是不可避免的... 我爸这两年病的严重,他虽然儿女都在老婆每天陪在身边还有许多人照顾探望,可是仍然还是非常难过和不自在愤怒无奈但又不得不接受现实... 我相信这是每个人老了以后都要面对的课题, 很显然这悲催是难免的,因为医生告诉我说,现代人超过80%都会这样结束人生(生病后在医院里接受各种治疗慢慢走向死亡).
比起很多人, 撒切尔夫人是幸福的了,有女儿在身边细心照料儿子也时不时打电话问候(他儿子在南非工作), 一直住在自己漂亮的大宅里安度晚年(家里住有个尽职忠心的管家), 还写了本书<糖宁街岁月>回忆人生, 这种待遇和奢侈不是人人都能有的.

第三,当你回首人生时,她的过去是丰富多彩的,她的爱情是绚烂妩媚的, 她的子女是快乐感恩的, 她的男人从在保守党内的活动中认识她起,就一直为她喝彩为她尽心尽力不停地鼓励她勇往直前... 当他向她求婚时,她很直接地说她不会让自己的人生结束在洗碗做饭洗衣上时,他肯定地对她说我爱上你就是因为你这样... 即使在她被恐怖分子袭击(他们的住处曾被炸弹袭击),他首先想到的就是去保护她照顾她, 而不是逃命或划清界限自保(看看中国那么多为了自保而揭发举报配偶"罪行"的夫妻). 英国的那么多任首相里,她不仅是第一个到目前也唯一一个的英国女首相,还是唯一一个19世纪初利物浦伯爵后首位连任时间最长的首相...这都跟她家人对她的爱护与支持有关.

她是一个幸福的女人. 诞生于1925年的玛格丽特.罗伯次, 天平座的女人,上升魔蝎(据说这是她性格保守对自己要求严苛的原因), 一直以撒切尔夫人的身份为荣. 至于别人怎么评论她, 坦白地说, 对她来讲并不重要了... 她的家人朋友和同事, 也都一直以她为荣,站在她身边为她喝彩.

丹尼士是一位富有的商人,因而有能力資助她修读法律课程并投考律師公會,而她亦成功於1953年取得訟務律師的資格,并专研税务法。 同年,兩夫婦誕下了一對孪生兄妹,分別取名為卡洛兒和馬克
最后编辑: 2013-07-14

Michelle Libra

流金歲月 感恩惜福
回复: 下面5张不同类型的美女,你会选哪一类?

具有天平座的美貌与外交才艺, 魔蝎座的铁腕与自律性格的撒切尔(戴卓尔)夫人, 丹尼思-撒切尔一直认为自己的选择最正确 :wdb6::wdb17::wdb9::wdb19:



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最后编辑: 2013-07-14

Michelle Libra

流金歲月 感恩惜福
回复: 下面5张不同类型的美女,你会选哪一类?

这位是1951年的玛格丽特, 26岁, 我相信大部分人都认为这个女人内外在兼优.


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最后编辑: 2013-07-14

Michelle Libra

流金歲月 感恩惜福
回复: 下面5张不同类型的美女,你会选哪一类?

The Right Honourable Margaret Hilda Thatcher, Baroness Thatcher (Conservative) was Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 1979 until 1990. In 1975 she became Leader of the Conservative Party, the first woman to head a major UK political party. Following the 1979 general election she became Britain's first female Prime Minister. Her economic policies emphasized flexible labor markets, and the sale or closure of state-owned companies "Thatcherism". She became closely aligned with the policies of US President Ronald Reagan, based on their shared distrust of Communism. To her supporters, Margaret Thatcher remains a figure who revitalized Britain's economy, impacted the trade unions, and re-established the nation as a world power.


Michelle Libra

流金歲月 感恩惜福
回复: 下面5张不同类型的美女,你会选哪一类?

In 1990 Thatcher warned that the Euro would end European democra



Uploaded on Dec 21, 2011
( http://wakeup2thelies.com ) see related story here http://bit.ly/shKSGj Back in 1990 nine years before the introduction of the Euro, the then British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher warned that a single currency would be used to end parliamentary democracy in Europe and would create a 'Federal Europe' by the back door


Mr. Alan Beith (Berwick-upon-Tweed): Will the Prime Minister tell us whether she intends to continue her personal fight against a single currency and an independent central bank when she leaves office?

Mr. Dennis Skinner (Bolsover): No. She is going to be the governor. [Laughter.]

The Prime Minister: What a good idea. I hadn't thought it. But if I were, there would be no European central bank accountable to no one, least of all to national Parliament. Because the point of that kind of European central bank is no democracy, taking powers away from every single Parliament, and being able to have a single currency, a monetary policy and interest rates which takes all political powers away from us. As my right hon. Friend (Mr. Lawson ) said in his first speech after the proposal of a single currency, a single currency is about the politics of Europe, it is about a federal Europe by the back door. So I shall consider the proposal of the hon. Member for Bolsover (Mr. Skinner ). Now where were we? I am enjoying this.

Mr. Michael Carttiss (Great Yarmouth) You can wipe the floor with these people.

How right she was! 21 years after this brilliant speech, Greece has had an unelected Prime Minister installed because of the euro crisis. Italy has also had an unelected Prime Minister installed, who then appointed an entire government cabinet without a single elected politician because of the euro crisis.

Michelle Libra

流金歲月 感恩惜福
回复: 下面5张不同类型的美女,你会选哪一类?

Margaret Thatcher about the Weakness of European Countries


Michelle Libra

流金歲月 感恩惜福
回复: 下面5张不同类型的美女,你会选哪一类?

这个是一个比较完整的记录片. 里面提到了她的父亲在她童年少年时对她的政治影响, 以及她的丈夫对她的政治观点和人生路向的影响.

MARGARET THATCHER - Pt 1 The Making of Margaret


回复: 下面5张不同类型的美女,你会选哪一类?

我喜欢有一点忧郁, 有一点单纯, 有一点倔强任性, 有一点随和, 有一点独立精神的.
家园网友中有好几个, 就不点名了.

不过, 欢迎别人点名.




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