Because jewellery often has significant value and can be difficult to identify, border services officers cannot list it on a Form BSF407. It is recommended that you travel with as little jewellery as possible.
Taking the following steps before you leave Canada will make it easier for you to re-enter the country with jewellery:
- Obtain an appraisal report and a signed and dated photograph of each piece of jewellery from a recognized Canadian gemologist, jeweller or your insurance agent.
-Obtain written certification that the items or jewellery in the photographs are the ones described in the appraisal report.
-Take the jewellery appraisal reports, certification statements and photographs to a CBSA office to be validated.
-If the jewellery was purchased in Canada, retain the sales receipt.
-If you imported the goods previously, make sure you have a copy of your receipt.
- Carry the appraisal reports, the certifications and photographs when travelling outside Canada.