apart from rebar, proper back fill material, floor drainage system, weeping tile and grading is same important. because soil condition in Saskatchewan is not good, the foundation will heave up and sink down regularly depend on the moisture level and ground water level. concrete is brittle and weak in case of it is in tension. actually, when calculate its strength we take it as zero if it is in tension. that's why rebar is very important. because expansive soil in saskachewan, foundation wall sustain substantial lateral pressure, which in turn cause huge bending moment and cause crack on foundation wall. believe me the force of this lateral pressure is much much more compare with the tornado you talking about. with enough rebar, even the wall still will crack but it will hold the wall together, so only hairline crack will be on the foundation wall. With waterproofing film on the outside and foundation draining system, all these will prevent moisture get into basement.