
回复: 自建房子(acreage)直播~





回复: 自建房子(acreage)直播~

因为是acreage,所以要自己修private lane。这是在Cat Loader里面照到。


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回复: 自建房子(acreage)直播~

Packer和2个track hoe(挖掘机),基本上把我们公司油井上用来维护的设备都拉来了。


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最后编辑: 2013-08-24


回复: 自建房子(acreage)图文现场直播喽~

有finishing 木工课的college 或者大学的图书馆去问一下,他们可能有参考书类的building code ,不能外借,但允许复印几页自用。或者有认识的教课老师去请教,他们会有书。
回复: 自建房子(acreage)直播~

building code is only used as minimal requirement. meet minimal requirement doesn't necessarily mean good quality. how many rebar depends on the lateral pressure of soil(geotechnical investigation). Normally, it is not worthwhile to do geotechnical investigation at all for single family house because the cost associate with it. Just talk with your contractor and ask for more rebars, it will cost only a few hundred dollars. steel rebar sale at around $2000 per ton or less . I am in structural(not license yet) but not in building.
回复: 自建房子(acreage)直播~

building code is only used as minimal requirement. meet minimal requirement doesn't necessarily mean good quality. how many rebar depends on the lateral pressure of soil(geotechnical investigation). Normally, it is not worthwhile to do geotechnical investigation at all for single family house because the cost associate with it. Just talk with your contractor and ask for more rebars, it will cost only a few hundred dollars. steel rebar sale at around $2000 per ton or less . I am in structural(not license yet) but not in building.

24X18是mini,我这里用16X16,应该可以了吧?16X12可以做ternado cage了吧?
回复: 自建房子(acreage)直播~

24X18是mini,我这里用16X16,应该可以了吧?16X12可以做ternado cage了吧?
apart from rebar, proper back fill material, floor drainage system, weeping tile and grading is same important. because soil condition in Saskatchewan is not good, the foundation will heave up and sink down regularly depend on the moisture level and ground water level. concrete is brittle and weak in case of it is in tension. actually, when calculate its strength we take it as zero if it is in tension. that's why rebar is very important. because expansive soil in saskachewan, foundation wall sustain substantial lateral pressure, which in turn cause huge bending moment and cause crack on foundation wall. believe me the force of this lateral pressure is much much more compare with the tornado you talking about. with enough rebar, even the wall still will crack but it will hold the wall together, so only hairline crack will be on the foundation wall. With waterproofing film on the outside and foundation draining system, all these will prevent moisture get into basement.
回复: 自建房子(acreage)直播~

apart from rebar, proper back fill material, floor drainage system, weeping tile and grading is same important. because soil condition in Saskatchewan is not good, the foundation will heave up and sink down regularly depend on the moisture level and ground water level. concrete is brittle and weak in case of it is in tension. actually, when calculate its strength we take it as zero if it is in tension. that's why rebar is very important. because expansive soil in saskachewan, foundation wall sustain substantial lateral pressure, which in turn cause huge bending moment and cause crack on foundation wall. believe me the force of this lateral pressure is much much more compare with the tornado you talking about. with enough rebar, even the wall still will crack but it will hold the wall together, so only hairline crack will be on the foundation wall. With waterproofing film on the outside and foundation draining system, all these will prevent moisture get into basement.

回复: 自建房子(acreage)直播~


if double layer, that's much better. proper curing of concrete is also very important. normally 30Mpa concrete will be used for foundation wall. you need make sure concrete keep moisturized for at least 7 days. study show that if not moisturized properly concrete can only reach 40% of its design strength. after 7 days only 80 percent it strength achieved. In design, we normally use its 28 days strength, that's called design strength. during curing, the cement will absorb a lot of water. proper curing will also reduce shrink crack.
回复: 自建房子(acreage)直播~

if double layer, that's much better. proper curing of concrete is also very important. normally 30Mpa concrete will be used for foundation wall. you need make sure concrete keep moisturized for at least 7 days. study show that if not moisturized properly concrete can only reach 40% of its design strength. after 7 days only 80 percent it strength achieved. In design, we normally use its 28 days strength, that's called design strength. during curing, the cement will absorb a lot of water. proper curing will also reduce shrink crack.

How to keep concrete moisturized for 7 days ?




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