回复: 驻加使馆下次什么时候来现场办公啊?
从华缘网转过来,谢谢Dr. Jinyu Sheng!
Three officers from the Consular Service of the Chinese Embassy in Ottawa will come to Halifax to accept Chinese passport renewal applications and other applications such as for the Consular Authentication (
http://ca.china-embassy.org/chn/sggg/t1083581.htm). Please carefully read the instruction about the application procedure, photo requirement, application fees and other issues posted at
Their office hours and place in Halifax are 2 pm to 4:30 pm on Tuesday, October 15, 2013 in the Private Dining Room, Loyola Building, on the 2nd Floor at the Saint Mary's University.
During this time, Ms. Ying Qi from the Consular Service would also like to give a talk on the Consular Service and other issues in which many people are interested. Please contact Dr. Jinyu Sheng at (902) 494-2718 for more information about their visit.