
回复: 会计专业相关人士-CGA学习兴趣小组招募

握手,也是最近开始找工,比较头大。我也报名了9月份的H&R的tax training, 我觉得税法方面加强下,应该没坏处。你在哪里上?也许能遇上。

回复: 会计专业相关人士-CGA学习兴趣小组招募

谢谢,Vansky 也可以啊,学习阶段没有的选择。好过在家里发呆啊。
回复: 会计专业相关人士-CGA学习兴趣小组招募

来了温哥华有一个半月,真正感到华人在一起的团结和互助。 我在此真诚谢谢大家提供的信息, 最主要是增进了我的信心觉得自己不孤立。 结果其实并不主要,我也不刻意追求,努力认真去做,对得起自己就好。
回复: 会计专业相关人士-CGA学习兴趣小组招募



回复: 会计专业相关人士-CGA学习兴趣小组招募

我跟CPABC写了信问了一下,他们说现在因为BC省的CGA CMA CA都合并了,所以CGA不再接受新生了,而目前CPA的PRE课程我又不够资格去念,因为没有degree,所以我决定找个college或者U去念Accounting的本科,也想过去Langara直接拿一些CGA的课,part-time学,因为白天要上班,但是现在这个调整弄得我有些不知所措了,而现在CPA的PRE课程又还似乎没有完全弄出来,大家有什么好的建议和经验吗?
回复: 会计专业相关人士-CGA学习兴趣小组招募

我跟CPABC写了信问了一下,他们说现在因为BC省的CGA CMA CA都合并了,所以CGA不再接受新生了,而目前CPA的PRE课程我又不够资格去念,因为没有degree,所以我决定找个college或者U去念Accounting的本科,也想过去Langara直接拿一些CGA的课,part-time学,因为白天要上班,但是现在这个调整弄得我有些不知所措了,而现在CPA的PRE课程又还似乎没有完全弄出来,大家有什么好的建议和经验吗?

I think CPA is new to everybody.
I may try to find out which college easy to get the degree and find out the prerequirement before I am waiting for the updated CPA information.
CPA says they will have this inofrmation soon....I remember.

Or just enjoy your happy day now and you will be busy later..
回复: 会计专业相关人士-CGA学习兴趣小组招募

I think CPA is new to everybody.
I may try to find out which college easy to get the degree and find out the prerequirement before I am waiting for the updated CPA information.
CPA says they will have this inofrmation soon....I remember.

Or just enjoy your happy day now and you will be busy later..

Thanks for you quick respond.
Well, I have been working for almost one year as a full charge bookkeeper; however, I am thinking of my future income and career. To be honest, the previous accounting education does not give me enough transferable credits to CGA. If I were not wrong, I would only get FA1 exempted. I did learn some accounting courses, but they are not good enough for transferring. Anyway, I decide to start a new journey from scratch no matter how hard it is and how long it takes.
The first choice is I will take some CGA courses in Langara where I am living close to. http://www.langara.bc.ca/continuing...ams/professional-accounting/designations.html
They put a nice chart to show the differences between the current 4 designations, CGA, CMA, CA, CPA.
The advantages are part-time basis and course by course, but I am not sure if it is authentic and gets approved by CPA cause I cannot find related information regarding which course is accepted by CPA. CPA says it will release a new standard of courses to its partners: post-secondary institutions.
If it were true, I may take some courses here to fulfill the prerequisite for CPA.
The only drawback is I cannot get a degree through such a education. I still need to transfer all of my previous credits from the college in Ontario(where I got my accounting diploma) and Langara to another University, say, SFU or UBC whatsever. That is so complicated!:wdb26:

The other choice is I will go directly into a degree program which includes all the CPA prerequisite courses. It is better to be a institution located in Vancouver cause I do not want to spend too much time on wheels as I have a day job. Also, it has to be a part-time basis and most of courses are in evenings.
Maybe I am asking too much and do not want to sacrifice a bit.
Feel free to input, thanks a lot. I appreciate your help.
回复: 会计专业相关人士-CGA学习兴趣小组招募

Thanks for you quick respond.
Well, I have been working for almost one year as a full charge bookkeeper; however, I am thinking of my future income and career. To be honest, the previous accounting education does not give me enough transferable credits to CGA. If I were not wrong, I would only get FA1 exempted. I did learn some accounting courses, but they are not good enough for transferring. Anyway, I decide to start a new journey from scratch no matter how hard it is and how long it takes.
The first choice is I will take some CGA courses in Langara where I am living close to. http://www.langara.bc.ca/continuing...ams/professional-accounting/designations.html
They put a nice chart to show the differences between the current 4 designations, CGA, CMA, CA, CPA.
The advantages are part-time basis and course by course, but I am not sure if it is authentic and gets approved by CPA cause I cannot find related information regarding which course is accepted by CPA. CPA says it will release a new standard of courses to its partners: post-secondary institutions.
If it were true, I may take some courses here to fulfill the prerequisite for CPA.
The only drawback is I cannot get a degree through such a education. I still need to transfer all of my previous credits from the college in Ontario(where I got my accounting diploma) and Langara to another University, say, SFU or UBC whatsever. That is so complicated!:wdb26:

The other choice is I will go directly into a degree program which includes all the CPA prerequisite courses. It is better to be a institution located in Vancouver cause I do not want to spend too much time on wheels as I have a day job. Also, it has to be a part-time basis and most of courses are in evenings.
Maybe I am asking too much and do not want to sacrifice a bit.
Feel free to input, thanks a lot. I appreciate your help.

If you already have a local accounting diploma, go directly into a degree program. For part time study, maybe you can choose BCIT.
回复: 会计专业相关人士-CGA学习兴趣小组招募

Thanks for you quick respond.
Feel free to input, thanks a lot. I appreciate your help.



回复: 会计专业相关人士-CGA学习兴趣小组招募


Robert half 和 Mercer Bradley 都还可以。我刚换的工作就是MB 推荐的。
回复: 会计专业相关人士-CGA学习兴趣小组招募




谢谢夸奖, 我上班倒是能敲中文,但是看你回复英文,我也就同步了.

哎, 很烦人, 我也在考虑转学分直接拿degree会更直接一些,
在多伦多倒是可以直接转入York U读大二.

我联系了Langara,它那个continuing education里面的accounting,就我上面发过的连接,有表格对比的,它的回复是,
可以转入CGA/CPA, 但是这些都是"非学分"科目, 不能用以获取degree或者diploma的, 如果要拿degree的话,就要去常规学习,


我下周再联系一下SFU和BCIT, 如果都没希望的话, 那我可能就考虑直接回多伦多了. 毕竟多伦多之前那所college,也有Accounting的degree专业,并且转移学分是最大化而且有晚上上课的选择的.

不能说发牢骚, 来温哥华工作这一年,还是对比了和多伦多的很多差异的, 毕竟多伦多那边人口多, 各种需求大且差异大, 所以那边学校可以提供很多选择.
回复: 会计专业相关人士-CGA学习兴趣小组招募

谢谢夸奖, 我上班倒是能敲中文,但是看你回复英文,我也就同步了.

哎, 很烦人, 我也在考虑转学分直接拿degree会更直接一些,
在多伦多倒是可以直接转入York U读大二.

我联系了Langara,它那个continuing education里面的accounting,就我上面发过的连接,有表格对比的,它的回复是,
可以转入CGA/CPA, 但是这些都是"非学分"科目, 不能用以获取degree或者diploma的, 如果要拿degree的话,就要去常规学习,


我下周再联系一下SFU和BCIT, 如果都没希望的话, 那我可能就考虑直接回多伦多了. 毕竟多伦多之前那所college,也有Accounting的degree专业,并且转移学分是最大化而且有晚上上课的选择的.

不能说发牢骚, 来温哥华工作这一年,还是对比了和多伦多的很多差异的, 毕竟多伦多那边人口多, 各种需求大且差异大, 所以那边学校可以提供很多选择.

没有说拿degree需要正规学习(就是全职学习)吧?? 很多学校都可以part time修读,反正按要求读完就是degree阿...都是学分制,怎么可能说一定要全职呢? 是我误解你的意思还是你误解了学校的意思呀...
回复: 会计专业相关人士-CGA学习兴趣小组招募

谢谢夸奖, 我上班倒是能敲中文,但是看你回复英文,我也就同步了.

哎, 很烦人, 我也在考虑转学分直接拿degree会更直接一些,
在多伦多倒是可以直接转入York U读大二.

我联系了Langara,它那个continuing education里面的accounting,就我上面发过的连接,有表格对比的,它的回复是,
可以转入CGA/CPA, 但是这些都是"非学分"科目, 不能用以获取degree或者diploma的, 如果要拿degree的话,就要去常规学习,


我下周再联系一下SFU和BCIT, 如果都没希望的话, 那我可能就考虑直接回多伦多了. 毕竟多伦多之前那所college,也有Accounting的degree专业,并且转移学分是最大化而且有晚上上课的选择的.

不能说发牢骚, 来温哥华工作这一年,还是对比了和多伦多的很多差异的, 毕竟多伦多那边人口多, 各种需求大且差异大, 所以那边学校可以提供很多选择.

以前CGA的PROGRAM里面有个专门的大学有PART TIME 的DEGREE读的, 好象是在COLLEGE基础上再念6门就好了。是不是CPA里也不会有的?再了解一下好了
回复: 会计专业相关人士-CGA学习兴趣小组招募

Robert half 和 Mercer Bradley 都还可以。我刚换的工作就是MB 推荐的。





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