
回复: 求助:何去何从



一朋友前天晚上在餐馆吃饭,漂亮女友被隔壁桌醉汉吹口哨,他说反正吃完了咱走吧。女友说你怎么这么怂啊是不是男人,我朋友说犯不上跟流氓较劲。女友急,骂完我朋友又过去骂那群醉汉,结果醉汉围上来开打,我朋友被捅三刀,昨天在医院抢救无效死了,临死问了女友一句话:我现在算男人了么?……如果你的女朋友被醉汉吹口哨你会怎么做? 你听说过”垃圾人定律”吗?


一位朋友在正确的车道上行驶,突然间一辆黑色轿车从停车位开出,正好挡在前面。 朋友立即踩刹车,车子滑行了一小段路,刚好闪开来车,两车之间的距离就只差个几厘米!这辆车的司机凶狠地甩头、并且朝着我们大喊大叫!我朋友只是微笑,对那家伙挥挥手。我的意思是:我朋友表现得很友善。于是我问他:“你刚才为什么那么做?那家伙差点毁了你的车,还可能伤害我们!”

这是当时我朋友告诉的我话,现在我把它总结归纳为“垃圾人定律”。 他解释说:“许多人就像“垃圾人”。他们到处跑来跑去,身上充满了负面垃圾:充满了沮丧、愤怒、忌妒、算计、仇恨,充满了傲慢与偏见、贪心不满足、抱怨、比较,充满了见不得人好、愚昧、无知、烦恼、报复、和充满了失望。随着心中的垃圾堆积又堆积,他们终需找个地方倾倒;有时候,我们刚好碰上了,垃圾就往我们身上丢。。。”

“所以,无须介意!只要微笑、挥挥手、远离他们,然后继续走我们自己的路就行! 千万别将他们的负面垃圾接收再扩散给我们的家人、朋友、同事、或其它路人”



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回复: 求助:何去何从


回复: 求助:何去何从


回复: 求助:何去何从






回复: 求助:何去何从


回复: 求助:何去何从


回复: 求助:何去何从

骂得好, 痛快!:wdb6::wdb6:

养猪的就是个乡下二流子,不知怎么混进加拿大的。我正考虑报告警察局这里有个网上耍流氓的。等着抓他的下流言论和辱骂基督徒帖子, 收集起来再说。


如果在国内,我帮你顶他,顶个500帖他就完蛋了 。

回复: 求助:何去何从


如果在国内,我帮你顶他,顶个500帖他就完蛋了 。




回复: 求助:何去何从




回复: 求助:何去何从

If you are attacked on the internet, or before you, or your kids, get attacked, do this:

#1: Write Your Congressman and demand ANTI-CYBER BULLY LAWS BE ENACTED. Find their address at:

Tabloids and search engine companies are fighting AGAINST anti-cyber bully laws because they feel it will hurt their PROFITS. Big ugly blog fights on the internet make them more money. What do you think about that? Don't let them win. Don't let our children loose. Demand The Repeal of Anti-SLAPP laws.

#2: Do not respond to their blog comments. Do not engage in any discussion of it in social media. They have a vast number of fake blogger identities and will post fake inflammatory statements to try to get you to respond to build their viewership or readership. Contact the highest level contacts you can source in law enforcement agencies, public policy law firms, Constitutional law firms, private investigators, counter-measures PR Firms and investigative media journals, request that they undertake aggressive action. Carbon copy your request for action to each of these organizations so they know that each is watching the other. Make the consequences of the attack a magnitude worse than the attack. You can find the contact info on the web if you type in each specialist type. Only speak to a first amendment lawyer who represents individuals, not one who represents companies. Specialists will often do the work for free or for a % of the recovery. Let those who attack you unethically know that they can expect a lifetime set of counter-measures in exchange for damaging your life and career.

#3: Organize the largest groups of like-minded folks you can gather, to write elected officials and demand the implementation of effective cyberbully laws. Do not tolerate any more child suicides caused by cyberbullys. )

#4: Make it your personal policy to observe the writings of the authors of the attack articles, personally, for the rest of their lives. Monitor trends in their actions.

#5: When you file a lawsuit against the attackers, sue them in NY State or a region that does not have Tabloid Protection laws (that the tabloids lobbied into place). The laws are known as Anti-Slapp Tabloid Protection Laws. Sue each author of the article plus the owners of the blog. Track each author's personal real estate assets for the recovery. Make sure they know that the cost of destroying your life is dear.

#6: Do not hire any lawyer who has not done "Anti-SLAPP" and "First Amendment Cases" before. You must know what both of these terms mean, in intimate detail, before moving forward. Read the WIKIPEDIA and law library descriptions of each. Publishers will use Anti-SLAPP laws, if they can, to try to shut your case down. This is a law they paid Washington to put in place in order to protect the trashiest of the publishers.

#7: If they published an attack article on you, you have the legal right to hire private investigators and writers and publish articles about them AS LONG AS THE ARTICLES ARE THE TRUTH AND ONLY USE YOUR "OPINIONS". (Your First Amendment lawyer will advise you) You can't make things up like they did. You will find, though, that people that hire themselves out as character assassin bloggers, shills, hit man writer thugs and attackers are people that have broken the law in the past, cheated on their taxes, taken money under the table, cheated on their wives and done all kinds of bad things that are easy for a private investigator to find in their databases and research. When a writer is hired to attack you, they always have a ton of real dirt that one can dig up on them, as they are generally of the unethical type.

#8: Contact everyone who won a lawsuit against the bad people that attacked you in the past and form a coalition, share information or form a "class-action lawsuit". Contact everyone who is currently suing them for the same sort of thing. Contact everyone that they attacked in the same way in the past.

#9: If your case gets shut down, consider sharing your information and resources with another entity who is suing them, or about to sue them so that your effort can move forward via another route.

#10: Understand how law-making works and organize to overthrow the "SLAPP tabloid laws" and create stronger anti-bully and cyber-bully laws. Do not take "we will study it" as an answer from any politician. Demand action on a draft of a law by a certain date. Organize teams to move this forward on a nationwide basis.

#11: Start a foundation to stop cyber-bullies. Promote it as big as you can. Set a hard, specific mission, or goal to accomplish. Put your money where your heart is.

#12: Solicit celebrities to help by posting public appeals in purchased display ads in newspapers and online.

#14: Try to get every celebrity to sign up for a "STOP THE SLAPP LAWS" campaign. They have all been used and exploited by these laws and hate them.

#15: Offer a reward for those who turn in the attacker.

#16: File a police report on the attacker.

#17: Forward this link: to others and ask them to help demand that cyber bully laws are enacted.

#18: Have your lawyer use these PRE-DRAFTED LAWSUITS to litigate against the attackers. They just need to fill in the blanks and adjust for venue parameters. If others set out to destroy your life out of pure mean or out of cowardly inability to compete with your product or your campaign, that loss of part of your life must have repercussions for them. (Document password can be obtained by licensed law firms). Drafts include those for a number of ways You can sue the attackers, ie:
A. RICO: If someone paid the attacking writers to go after you, you can file an organized crime RICO case.
B. SPONSORS AND ADVERTISERS: You can sue the sponsors of the publication who had ads on that publication when the cyber attack against you occurred.
C. INTERFERENCE. When they pre-plan to ruin your business.
D. INDIVIDUAL. Individual cases against each author and their staff.
Etc... (See files)

#19: Can't find the actual authors? Offer a cash reward for those who will come forward and ID them.

#20: One of the most powerful things you can do is Organize a boycott against each of the advertisers of the tabloid that cyber bullied. Go to the corporate HQ of each of their advertisers and stand in front of their building with a sign-board, demand to speak to their CEO and let them know about the attack on you they paid for, knowingly or unknowingly. Demand that they stop buying ads in the attacking publication or blog. Get everyone you can find in your neighborhood, online, on Facebook, on Reddit, On Twitter, etc. to boycott the advertisers. When a child commits suicide or someone is destroyed, make certain every executive at their advertiser, and the public, knows who sponsored that publication so they could do that. Make the attacking publication feel the financial loss of their unethical actions.

#21: Again: Do not respond to their blog comments. Do not engage in any discussion of it in social media. They have a vast number of fake blogger identities and will post fake inflammatory statements to try to get you to respond to build their viewership or readership

#22: Again: Write Your Congressman and demand ANTI CYBER BULLY LAWS BE ENACTED. Find their address at:
回复: 求助:何去何从

If you are attacked on the internet, or before you, or your kids, get attacked, do this:

#1: Write Your Congressman and demand ANTI-CYBER BULLY LAWS BE ENACTED. Find their address at:

Tabloids and search engine companies are fighting AGAINST anti-cyber bully laws because they feel it will hurt their PROFITS. Big ugly blog fights on the internet make them more money. What do you think about that? Don't let them win. Don't let our children loose. Demand The Repeal of Anti-SLAPP laws.

#2: Do not respond to their blog comments. Do not engage in any discussion of it in social media. They have a vast number of fake blogger identities and will post fake inflammatory statements to try to get you to respond to build their viewership or readership. Contact the highest level contacts you can source in law enforcement agencies, public policy law firms, Constitutional law firms, private investigators, counter-measures PR Firms and investigative media journals, request that they undertake aggressive action. Carbon copy your request for action to each of these organizations so they know that each is watching the other. Make the consequences of the attack a magnitude worse than the attack. You can find the contact info on the web if you type in each specialist type. Only speak to a first amendment lawyer who represents individuals, not one who represents companies. Specialists will often do the work for free or for a % of the recovery. Let those who attack you unethically know that they can expect a lifetime set of counter-measures in exchange for damaging your life and career.

#3: Organize the largest groups of like-minded folks you can gather, to write elected officials and demand the implementation of effective cyberbully laws. Do not tolerate any more child suicides caused by cyberbullys. )

#4: Make it your personal policy to observe the writings of the authors of the attack articles, personally, for the rest of their lives. Monitor trends in their actions.

#5: When you file a lawsuit against the attackers, sue them in NY State or a region that does not have Tabloid Protection laws (that the tabloids lobbied into place). The laws are known as Anti-Slapp Tabloid Protection Laws. Sue each author of the article plus the owners of the blog. Track each author's personal real estate assets for the recovery. Make sure they know that the cost of destroying your life is dear.

#6: Do not hire any lawyer who has not done "Anti-SLAPP" and "First Amendment Cases" before. You must know what both of these terms mean, in intimate detail, before moving forward. Read the WIKIPEDIA and law library descriptions of each. Publishers will use Anti-SLAPP laws, if they can, to try to shut your case down. This is a law they paid Washington to put in place in order to protect the trashiest of the publishers.

#7: If they published an attack article on you, you have the legal right to hire private investigators and writers and publish articles about them AS LONG AS THE ARTICLES ARE THE TRUTH AND ONLY USE YOUR "OPINIONS". (Your First Amendment lawyer will advise you) You can't make things up like they did. You will find, though, that people that hire themselves out as character assassin bloggers, shills, hit man writer thugs and attackers are people that have broken the law in the past, cheated on their taxes, taken money under the table, cheated on their wives and done all kinds of bad things that are easy for a private investigator to find in their databases and research. When a writer is hired to attack you, they always have a ton of real dirt that one can dig up on them, as they are generally of the unethical type.

#8: Contact everyone who won a lawsuit against the bad people that attacked you in the past and form a coalition, share information or form a "class-action lawsuit". Contact everyone who is currently suing them for the same sort of thing. Contact everyone that they attacked in the same way in the past.

#9: If your case gets shut down, consider sharing your information and resources with another entity who is suing them, or about to sue them so that your effort can move forward via another route.

#10: Understand how law-making works and organize to overthrow the "SLAPP tabloid laws" and create stronger anti-bully and cyber-bully laws. Do not take "we will study it" as an answer from any politician. Demand action on a draft of a law by a certain date. Organize teams to move this forward on a nationwide basis.

#11: Start a foundation to stop cyber-bullies. Promote it as big as you can. Set a hard, specific mission, or goal to accomplish. Put your money where your heart is.

#12: Solicit celebrities to help by posting public appeals in purchased display ads in newspapers and online.

#14: Try to get every celebrity to sign up for a "STOP THE SLAPP LAWS" campaign. They have all been used and exploited by these laws and hate them.

#15: Offer a reward for those who turn in the attacker.

#16: File a police report on the attacker.

#17: Forward this link: to others and ask them to help demand that cyber bully laws are enacted.

#18: Have your lawyer use these PRE-DRAFTED LAWSUITS to litigate against the attackers. They just need to fill in the blanks and adjust for venue parameters. If others set out to destroy your life out of pure mean or out of cowardly inability to compete with your product or your campaign, that loss of part of your life must have repercussions for them. (Document password can be obtained by licensed law firms). Drafts include those for a number of ways You can sue the attackers, ie:
A. RICO: If someone paid the attacking writers to go after you, you can file an organized crime RICO case.
B. SPONSORS AND ADVERTISERS: You can sue the sponsors of the publication who had ads on that publication when the cyber attack against you occurred.
C. INTERFERENCE. When they pre-plan to ruin your business.
D. INDIVIDUAL. Individual cases against each author and their staff.
Etc... (See files)

#19: Can't find the actual authors? Offer a cash reward for those who will come forward and ID them.

#20: One of the most powerful things you can do is Organize a boycott against each of the advertisers of the tabloid that cyber bullied. Go to the corporate HQ of each of their advertisers and stand in front of their building with a sign-board, demand to speak to their CEO and let them know about the attack on you they paid for, knowingly or unknowingly. Demand that they stop buying ads in the attacking publication or blog. Get everyone you can find in your neighborhood, online, on Facebook, on Reddit, On Twitter, etc. to boycott the advertisers. When a child commits suicide or someone is destroyed, make certain every executive at their advertiser, and the public, knows who sponsored that publication so they could do that. Make the attacking publication feel the financial loss of their unethical actions.

#21: Again: Do not respond to their blog comments. Do not engage in any discussion of it in social media. They have a vast number of fake blogger identities and will post fake inflammatory statements to try to get you to respond to build their viewership or readership

#22: Again: Write Your Congressman and demand ANTI CYBER BULLY LAWS BE ENACTED. Find their address at:


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