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回复: 【29项紧缺职业】2010年626妥投统计-新表

buffalo626 现在才体检到2011年3月7号
OTTAWA — The federal government remains confident that the majority of so-called “forgotten” Buffalo immigration applications will be completed by the end of the season as promised even though new figures suggest nearly 40 per cent of the files have yet to be processed.

With just a month to go before summer draws to an end, 3,568 applications remain in the queue, according to the figures obtained by Postmedia News and considered up-to-date as of Aug. 20.

“Most of the files that were transferred from Buffalo to the Ottawa processing office will be completed by the end of summer 2013,” Citizenship and Immigration spokeswoman Sonia Lesage said in an email.

“For the majority of immigration streams, new applications submitted to Ottawa are being processed more quickly than they were during the same time last year in Buffalo.”

Lesage suggested the ongoing strike by foreign service workers will not impact the processing of the remaining Buffalo files. Several foreign visa offices were shut down as a result of the strike and the central processing centre has had to take on some of the burden as a result.

Some 9,417 files, many of them recent university graduates with in-demand skills, were transferred to Ottawa when the government closed the upstate New York visa office in May 2012 after announcing foreign students and workers living in Canada would no longer have to leave the country to renew a visa or apply for permanent residency.

Citizenship and Immigration, however, came under fire in December after antsy applicants — a number of whom had already waited as long as two years for their papers while watching others who applied later get their permanent residency before them — started to complain about delays.

The NDP accused overworked and understaffed citizenship officers of simply forgetting about the boxes of Buffalo files sitting in the corner after the move as many of the applicants hadn't even received a file number much less been assigned a case worker which meant their applications were still in the very early stages of processing.

The government acknowledged delays of around 15 months at the time and promised the Buffalo files would be completed by the end of summer 2013.

According to the figures released by Citizenship and Immigration, 4,982 Buffalo files have so far been approved, 483 were refused and 384 were withdrawn.

The bulk of files, including the majority of pending files, involve skilled worker and provincial applicants.
回复: 【29项紧缺职业】2010年626妥投统计-新表

回复: 【29项紧缺职业】2010年626妥投统计-新表

不是 这样了 9月份肯定 处理不完的 8月20号还有 3568个没有处理呢
现在最快的 才处理到 buffalo 2011年3月24号 2013年9月10号收到体检通知

估计明年4月份之前 buffalo的这些案子可以整完吧
最后编辑: 2013-09-10
回复: 【29项紧缺职业】2010年626妥投统计-新表

回复: 【29项紧缺职业】2010年626妥投统计-新表

回复: 【29项紧缺职业】2010年626妥投统计-新表

回复: 【29项紧缺职业】2010年626妥投统计-新表

回复: 【29项紧缺职业】2010年626妥投统计-新表

从国际论坛上看 buffalo 626终于全部拿到体检 开始处理 buffalo71
1月31号让交的护照 网上的状态也变成了 decision made
回复: 【29项紧缺职业】2010年626妥投统计-新表


Sydney received my application for FSW on June 8, 2010.
Files transferred to Buffalo on June 21, 2011.
Files transferred to CPP-Ottawa on June 10, 2012.
Medical request on September 12, 2012.
RPRF on February 27, 2013.
A case Analyst required more documents on Dec 31, 2013.
Redo the X-ray in Feb, 2014.
Passports Request on March 19, 2014.
Passports received by CPP on March 24, 2014.
Passports mailed out from CPP March 27, 2014.




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