斯坦福 IT



她目前在家 immigrant employment agency工作,相信她能给藤子们更多,更专业的工作学习指导。




沙发没了, 地板上恭喜. 非常感激ivyshao自告奋勇和芦荟, 天涯一起主持本版, 工作学习版相信会能够帮到各位会员更多.
能更在DON 的后面也不错


:wdb10: :wdb19:
I am thrilled and speechless.
Many thanks guys!

I know it's a huge task and I am still learning in this field. Thanks for your trust and encouragement. I will take the challenge and I need your support to make this forum informative.

Maybe I could talk about why I applied for this position.

1. I found this forum around two years ago when I was still in Shanghai...A journey to Canada seemed exciting but also unpredictable. Canadameet is a resort I visited so often to find out all the necessary and detailed information I needed to have. I landed here in Toronto last May.

2. The first month in Toronto is a honeymoon for me and my husband. (so for many of you guys). But then we suffered from being jobless. My first job was a retail girl in a lady fashion store.

3. I got my current internship position from Career Bridge. This organization is called TRIEC (Toronto Region Immigrant Employment Council), which is funded by a non-profit foundation. It is my first time to work with NGO and I am amazed by people working there. They helped refugee, youth and newcomers. I feel my everyday at TRIEC is valuable and I WANT TO BE PART OF THEM.

4. I am at the end of my internship and this is my last week. To work for community agencies, preferably with immigrant serving agencies is now the big picture of my future career. I believe from Canadameet, I would build my experience, in-depth understanding and knowledge in this special field. And I will be happy if my effort here could bring a smile to you.

I am thrilled and speechless.
Many thanks guys!

I know it's a huge task and I am still learning in this field. Thanks for your trust and encouragement. I will take the challenge and I need your support to make this forum informative.

Maybe I could talk about why I applied for this position.

1. I found this forum around two years ago when I was still in Shanghai...A journey to Canada seemed exciting but also unpredictable. Canadameet is a resort I visited so often to find out all the necessary and detailed information I needed to have. I landed here in Toronto last May.

2. The first month in Toronto is a honeymoon for me and my husband. (so for many of you guys). But then we suffered from being jobless. My first job was a retail girl in a lady fashion store.

3. I got my current internship position from Career Bridge. This organization is called TRIEC (Toronto Region Immigrant Employment Council), which is funded by a non-profit foundation. It is my first time to work with NGO and I am amazed by people working there. They helped refugee, youth and newcomers. I feel my everyday at TRIEC is valuable and I WANT TO BE PART OF THEM.

4. I am at the end of my internship and this is my last week. To work for community agencies, preferably with immigrant serving agencies is now the big picture of my future career. I believe from Canadameet, I would build my experience, in-depth understanding and knowledge in this special field. And I will be happy if my effort here could bring a smile to you.

:wdb17: :wdb10: 好容易等来了你的就职宣言:wdb17: :wdb17::wdb17:




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