
With 2.18 billion adherents, Christianity has become a truly global religion over the past century as rapid growth in developing nations offset declines in Christianity's traditional strongholds, according to a report released Monday.

Billed as the most comprehensive and reliable study to date, the Pew Research Center's "Global Christianity" reports on self-identified Christian populations based on more than 2,400 sources of information, especially census and survey data.

Findings illustrate major shifts since 1910, when two-thirds of the world's Christians lived in Europe. Now only one in four Christians live in Europe. Most of the rest are distributed across the Americas (37 %), sub-Saharan Africa (24 %) and the Asia-Pacific region (13 %).

"In two out of three countries in the world, the majority of the population identifies as Christian," said Conrad Hackett, lead researcher on the "Global Christianity" report. "I had no idea about that. … I was surprised."

The report confirms Christianity's standing as the world's largest religion, with 32% of the global population. Islam is second with about 23%, according to a 2009 Pew report.

A close look at the details reveals a few ironies:
• Although Christianity traces its beginnings to the Middle East and North Africa, only 4% of residents in these regions claim the Christian faith today.
• Meanwhile, the faith has grown exponentially in sub-Saharan Africa, from just 9% of the population in 1910 to 63% today. Nigeria, home to more than 80 million Christians, has more Protestants than Germany, where the Protestant Reformation began.

"As a result of historic missionary activity and indigenous Christian movements by Africans, there has been this change from about one in 10 (sub-Saharan Africans) identifying with Christianity in 1910 to about six in 10 doing so today," Hackett said.

For its part, Europe is more religiously diverse than it was in 1910, when 94% was Christian. Still, Europe hasn't abandoned its Christian heritage, according to the report. Today, 76% of Europeans self-identify as Christian.

"Many people may have the impression that a smaller percentage of Europe claims to be Christian" than is actually the case, Hackett said.

The report also sheds light on the difficult question of how many Chinese are Christians. Researchers have struggled to get reliable numbers since China's policies on religion are thought to discourage Christians from self-identifying as such in official surveys.

Adjusting for such variables, Pew researchers believe Christianity has flourished despite a policy forbidding Christianity among Communist Party members. Researchers estimate the Christian community in China includes 5% of the population, or 67 million.
回复: 世界基督教发展现状:数据说话

In South Korea, Christians’ sense of being the “chosen people” breeds intolerance

I was part of a group of young teachers sent out to South Korea to work at a Church-run English camp for young children in Dangjin. Teaching English formed part of a broader project aimed at immersing the children of the Christian community in the ways of the West, fundamentally associated with Christian virtue. From the perspective of the Christians in Dangjin a western education comes with a religious responsibility. Those who run the project claim that the vast increase in the Christian population from 2% of the total in 1945 to around 50% today has meant that South Korea has a unique and intimate relationship with God and thrives as a result. This short meta-narrative that dismisses the significance of South Korea’s previous pagan history is the basis for much optimism about the future.
最后编辑: 2014-01-20
回复: 世界基督教发展现状:数据说话


Smarter People Have More Sex, Do More Drugs And Stay Up Later Because It’s The Smarter Thing To Do

A new study has found that smarter people not only tend to stay up later, but also regularly engage in recreational sex and drug use.
According to Esquire magazine, English researchers recently discovered that students at prestigious schools like Oxford and Cambridge spend much more time having sex, smoking weed and staying up later than their peers at less reputable institutions.
The research was funded by sex toy retailer, where Oxford and Cambridge students have spent a combined $31,461.
“The correlation probably has something to do with the open-mindedness that comes with intelligence,” 23-year-old Annalisa Rose, an employee of high-end sex shop “Honey” in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, told Esquire.
“I think that the ability to engage in an open sex life comes with the abilities of introspection and logical thought, and those require some level of intelligence. If we’re talking about an open sex life that comes from an emotionally healthy place, sexual mores are mostly made up anyway and intelligent people can rationalize past them,” she said.
Many previous studies have found that people with higher IQs, better jobs, or degrees from top-notch universities are more likely to smoke weed or even snort a few lines here and there.
Esquire reports that this is because these people tend to pursue insightful experiences involving adventure and mental expansion.
Smart people will indulge in most opportunities that could potentially broaden their minds.
They also more closely understand addiction and moderation and are therefore less fearful of engaging in drug use.
A 2010 study seen in Psychology Today showed that those with an IQ of 125 or higher are exponentially more likely to use drugs.
From the study:
“Net of sex, religion, religiosity, marital status, number of children, education, earnings, depression, satisfaction with life, social class at birth, mother’s education, and father’s education, British children who are more intelligent before the age of 16 are more likely to consume psychoactive drugs at age 42 than less intelligent children.
“… there is a clear monotonic association between childhood general intelligence and adult consumption of psychoactive drugs. ‘Very bright’ individuals (with IQs above 125) are roughly three-tenths of a standard deviation more likely to consume psychoactive drugs than ‘very dull’ individuals (with IQs below 75).”
The final element of our genius-trifecta is proven valid in an academic paper entitled “Why the Night Owl is More Intelligent,” published in the journal Psychology and Individual Differences.
The paper, Esquire reports, highlights that for several millennia, humans have been conditioned to work during the day and sleep at night.
Those that break this cycle, the paper says, “may be more likely to acquire and espouse evolutionarily novel values and preferences than less intelligent individuals.”
The paper goes on to say that liberals who don’t believe in God are more likely to be intelligent as well.
It seems that the gist here is that progressive thinkers who uphold adventure and experimentation over safety and tradition are the more intelligent beings.
So as Esquire says, “if you’re getting laid at 3 am on Sunday morning and have a full bowl packed beside the bed and you aren’t going to church the next day, you’re probably a genius.”
There you have it. Not only are those who rebel against conservatism sexier and much more fun to hang out with, but contrary to popular belief, they’re also smarter and more groomed for success.
Oh, and we work our assess off too, so don’t even think you’ve got that one on us.
回复: 世界基督教发展现状:数据说话


回复: 世界基督教发展现状:数据说话


Smarter People Have More Sex, Do More Drugs And Stay Up Later Because It’s The Smarter Thing To Do

A new study has found that smarter people not only tend to stay up later, but also regularly engage in recreational sex and drug use.
According to Esquire magazine, English researchers recently discovered that students at prestigious schools like Oxford and Cambridge spend much more time having sex, smoking weed and staying up later than their peers at less reputable institutions.
The research was funded by sex toy retailer, where Oxford and Cambridge students have spent a combined $31,461.
“The correlation probably has something to do with the open-mindedness that comes with intelligence,” 23-year-old Annalisa Rose, an employee of high-end sex shop “Honey” in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, told Esquire.
“I think that the ability to engage in an open sex life comes with the abilities of introspection and logical thought, and those require some level of intelligence. If we’re talking about an open sex life that comes from an emotionally healthy place, sexual mores are mostly made up anyway and intelligent people can rationalize past them,” she said.
Many previous studies have found that people with higher IQs, better jobs, or degrees from top-notch universities are more likely to smoke weed or even snort a few lines here and there.
Esquire reports that this is because these people tend to pursue insightful experiences involving adventure and mental expansion.
Smart people will indulge in most opportunities that could potentially broaden their minds.
They also more closely understand addiction and moderation and are therefore less fearful of engaging in drug use.
A 2010 study seen in Psychology Today showed that those with an IQ of 125 or higher are exponentially more likely to use drugs.
From the study:
“Net of sex, religion, religiosity, marital status, number of children, education, earnings, depression, satisfaction with life, social class at birth, mother’s education, and father’s education, British children who are more intelligent before the age of 16 are more likely to consume psychoactive drugs at age 42 than less intelligent children.
“… there is a clear monotonic association between childhood general intelligence and adult consumption of psychoactive drugs. ‘Very bright’ individuals (with IQs above 125) are roughly three-tenths of a standard deviation more likely to consume psychoactive drugs than ‘very dull’ individuals (with IQs below 75).”
The final element of our genius-trifecta is proven valid in an academic paper entitled “Why the Night Owl is More Intelligent,” published in the journal Psychology and Individual Differences.
The paper, Esquire reports, highlights that for several millennia, humans have been conditioned to work during the day and sleep at night.
Those that break this cycle, the paper says, “may be more likely to acquire and espouse evolutionarily novel values and preferences than less intelligent individuals.”
The paper goes on to say that liberals who don’t believe in God are more likely to be intelligent as well.
It seems that the gist here is that progressive thinkers who uphold adventure and experimentation over safety and tradition are the more intelligent beings.
So as Esquire says, “if you’re getting laid at 3 am on Sunday morning and have a full bowl packed beside the bed and you aren’t going to church the next day, you’re probably a genius.”
There you have it. Not only are those who rebel against conservatism sexier and much more fun to hang out with, but contrary to popular belief, they’re also smarter and more groomed for success.
Oh, and we work our assess off too, so don’t even think you’ve got that one on us.
回复: 世界基督教发展现状:数据说话


中国、日本、印度、和及以阿拉伯半岛为中心、分布在东北亚、中东、和北非的伊斯兰国家。这些国家中,中国(无神论) 、印度(印度教)、印尼(伊斯兰)等人口大国的基督徒比例已经接近或者超过10%。


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最后编辑: 2014-01-18
回复: 世界基督教发展现状:数据说话


How Many Christians Are In China?



个人估计,如果没有大的倒退,中国基督徒人数当可在未来十年内翻番,达到1.5 - 2.0亿,即人口的10-15%。
最后编辑: 2014-01-22
回复: 世界基督教发展现状:数据说话

Global Christianity – A Report on the Size and Distribution of the World’s Christian Population

1910: 6.1 亿基督徒
2010: 21.8 亿基督徒



回复: 世界基督教发展现状:数据说话


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