
回复: 2009-11-18至2010-05-28父母团聚进度


The email address from the DM letter.
回复: 2009-11-18至2010-05-28父母团聚进度

Because the ultrasound report was in Chinese. You can hire someone to translate for you on your own cost. You have to provide the translation to doctor, then he or she will upload the medical results.

My mom did ultrasound at the medical exam centre and nobody ask us to translate???
Or you're bringing your own ultrasound result?
回复: 2009-11-18至2010-05-28父母团聚进度

My mom did ultrasound at the medical exam centre and nobody ask us to translate???
Or you're bringing your own ultrasound result?

No, my father did additional ultrasound in the clinic. When he conducted his initial medical check there, my father provided his recent CT result and the result of his surgery done in 2012 summer in Chinese. At that time, my father was asked to have them translated into English, then he used a translation company nearby and the staff in this translation company sent the translation to the doctor directly. One month later, my father was informed by the doctor to do an additional ultrasound in the part where he had a surgery and a blood test requested by CIC. He did accordingly. I contacted the office and was informed they can see my mom's medical result but nothing about my father. I contacted the clinic and the doctor replied he uploaded my father's results once I sent him the translation of ultrasound report. So now the only thing
I can do is to wait.
回复: 2009-11-18至2010-05-28父母团聚进度

9月14号第二次体检, 今天终于MER。还会拒签吗?
护照第一次体检就寄去了, 已经在那里快两年了。
回复: 2009-11-18至2010-05-28父母团聚进度

是的, 我这可能是这坛子里历经磨难最多的, 其中各种复检专家检查, 拒签意向, 一年体检过期重检, 钱花了无数, 也碰到不少好心人。 这都无所谓, 我现在最担心的是被拒签。有MER后仍然拒签的吗?
回复: 2009-11-18至2010-05-28父母团聚进度

回复: 2009-11-18至2010-05-28父母团聚进度


我跟你一样的情况。 我妈的担保2013年11月20日批准转渥太华处理,至今还在等体检通知。给CPC-M (CPCM-FC4PC@cic.gc.ca),CPC-O(CPC-CTD-Ottawa@cic.gc.ca)都发过几次信了,除了系统自动回复外,没有一个回复我问题的。我也不知道问题出在哪里了,为什么迟迟不发体检信给我妈。一点办法都没有,非常郁闷
回复: 2009-11-18至2010-05-28父母团聚进度

是的, 我这可能是这坛子里历经磨难最多的, 其中各种复检专家检查, 拒签意向, 一年体检过期重检, 钱花了无数, 也碰到不少好心人。 这都无所谓, 我现在最担心的是被拒签。有MER后仍然拒签的吗?

居然DM了, 是拒签还是大信封快来了?
回复: 2009-11-18至2010-05-28父母团聚进度

请教一下大家,我被要求重新填旧表IMM1283FINANCIAL EVALUATION,其中老公填再哪项?老公是我担保移民的,才拿的PR,他是不是算在previous undertaking I signed as a sponsor are still in effect里呢?
回复: 2009-11-18至2010-05-28父母团聚进度

哎呀,大家父母都毕业了,为啥我家的还没动静,已经体检了将近3个月了。。状态MER也持续了有2个月了。。。。too sad
回复: 2009-11-18至2010-05-28父母团聚进度


最后编辑: 2014-03-19




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