不过,今天我在填表时又发现一个新的表,是3903E里面的supplement of schedule1-background/declaration,也要求 to be completed by the principal applicant and each of their family members aged 18 years older.怎么看几个做过的朋友,都没有提这个表呢?
不过,今天我在填表时又发现一个新的表,是3903E里面的supplement of schedule1-background/declaration,也要求 to be completed by the principal applicant and each of their family members aged 18 years older.怎么看几个做过的朋友,都没有提这个表呢?
请教,IMM5491, checklist, 第19项,If you must meet the minimum necessary income , and you or if applicable your co-signer,........,要求提供收入证明,子女团聚需要填这一项吗?你们填了没有呢?
请教,IMM5491, checklist, 第19项,If you must meet the minimum necessary income , and you or if applicable your co-signer,........,要求提供收入证明,子女团聚需要填这一项吗?你们填了没有呢?
Leo,还有个问题请教,体检之后,panel physician是否会给一个proof?3903里的checklist还有5491里的checklist都要求这一项,5491里还注明 copy1 of medical report: client biodata and summary (IMM1017),这个表无处下载,应该是体检中心给吧?