
本人只提供信息, 资源共享。不发表自己的观点, 也不回答有关转基因的问题, 因本人不是专家, 只是受众。

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GE Crops and Foods (On the Market)

It has been 16 years since genetically engineered crops and foods were first introduced into Canada.

Only 4 GE crops are currently grown in Canada:

  1. canola
  2. corn
  3. soy
  4. sugar beet (white sugar beet for sugar processing)
These crops end up on the shelves as processed food ingredients and are also used as biofuel and animal feed. These crops are engineered to be either insect resistant or herbicide tolerant, and many now carry both traits.

We could also be importing a small amount of:

5. GE papaya (from Hawaii)
6. GE squash (some varieties of yellow crookneck squash)
7. GE cottonseed oil
8. milk products made with the use of Bovine Growth Hormone

Though the Canadian Food Inspection Agency and Health Canada have approved over 50 varieties of 12 GE crops and foods under their category of "Plants with Novel Traits" and "Novel Foods", not all of these are products of genetic engineering. Furthermore, many GE crop varieties that are approved are not on the market in Canada, or anywhere else in the world, such as GE potatoes and tomatoes. See the below lists for the exact breakdown of what genetically engineered seeds farmers in Canada are planting and what GE foods are on our grocery store shelves.

GE Crops Globally
2012: GM crops (predominately corn, soy, and cotton - herbicide tolerant and/or insect resistant) are still confined to a handful of countries with highly industrialized, export-oriented agricultural sectors. One country alone - the U.S. - plants 43% of the global GM crop area. 77% of the world's GM crops are planted in the U.S.(43%), Brazil (19%) and Argentina (15%). India (GM cotton) and Canada (GM canola, corn, soy and sugarbeet) both plant 6% of the global acres of GM.

GE Crops in Europe
2011: The only GE crop currently cultivated in the EU is Monsanto's insect resistant (Bt) corn (MON810). In 2010, GE corn was produced in the Czech Republic, Spain, Portugal, Romania, and Slovakia on a cultivation surface of about 82 000 hectares equaling a 13% decrease compared to 2009. Austria, Bulgaria, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary and Luxembourg have all banned the use and sale of the MON 810 GE corn due to concerns about its long term effects.


最后编辑: 2014-04-19
美国科学研究院正式宣布 转基因食品严重危害人体健康
(2011-08-16 23:09:30)






其实,早在2008年,美国科学家便证实了长时间喂食转基因玉米的小白鼠免疫系统会受到损害,该研究成果发表在同年《农业与食品化学》杂志上。同年4月,美国政府主管食品药品的部门FDA宣布撤消它在数年前颁布的CRY 9C转基因玉米种植的工业指南,主要原因之一,就是该转基因作物对人类健康安全有严重威胁。






















The small BC company called Okanagan Specialty Fruits has asked the Canadian and U.S. governments to approve a genetically modified (GM) “non-browning” apple. The GM apple could be approved in 2014. Contamination from GM apples threatens the future of our apples, and the farmers who grow them.

Click here for "Talking Points" to help you discuss the GM apple.
  • Write to the head office of your grocery store and ask them to commit to keep GM apples out of the produce section. Click here for contacts.
  • Write to your provincial agriculture minister and ask them to take action to protect the apple growers in your area from the GM apple.
  • Write or call your federal Member of Parliament. You can look up their contacts using your postal code at www.parl.gc.ca
Talking Points: Talking to your grocery store about the GM apple
  • Order your GM apple info postcards today! Contact us.
GM Apple Closer to Regulatory Approval, Further from Consumer Acceptance

Update, November 7, 2013: McDonald's and Gerber say no to GM apple

ascorbic acid and the public uses lemon juice).
  • Consumers don’t want to eat the GM apple. 69% of Canadians don't want the GM apple approved (according to a 2012 survey conducted for the BC Fruit Growers' Association and the Quebec Apple Producers' Association).
  • The GM apple threatens the market for all apples. The BC Fruit Growers' Association is asking for a moratorium on approval of the GM apple.
  • Possible GM contamination is a risk for apple producers. Organic growers are particularly concerned about contamination from GM apples because GM is prohibited in organic farming.
  • Our government is reviewing the safety of the GM apple in secret, based on company data. The government does not consult with farmers and consumers, and does not consider economic or social concerns before it approves a new GM crop.
See the consumer survey commissioned by the BC Fruit Growers Association and the Quebec Apple Producers Association, July 3, 2012.
has asked for a moratorium on the review of the GM apple.

In 2001, BC apple growers stopped the GM apple from being field tested in Canada. The federal government agricultural station in Summerland in the Okanagan valley, an important fruit growing area, was preparing to start field trials but BC growers who were concerned about contamination stopped these field trials from happening. As a consequence, the company has tested all their apple trees in the U.S.

In September 2011, CBAN and organizations from across BC organized a series of public events to discuss genetic engineering. At an event in Keremeos, Lee McFadyen of Mariposa Organic Farm and the Live Earth Organic Growers Association pointed out that there are already several varieties of apple that are slow to brown. On the GM apple, orchardist Andrea Turner of the Similkameen Okanagan Organic Producers Association said, “The tree fruit industry cannot afford anything silly like that”. Read the concerns of the Similkameen Okanagan Organic Treefruit Growers Association, BC.

The U.S. Apple Association "does not support the approval of this product" and says "Consumers like their apples and are not calling for these new “nonbrowning” cultivars."http://www.usapple.org/consumers/all-about-apples/consumer-updates-information

"Apples are healthy and nutritious they way they are. Browning is a natural process that results from exposure to oxygen. There are already naturally low-browning apples in the marketplace. In addition if you just put some vitamin C fortified apple juice on sliced or cut apples it will also prevent browning." - Mark Gedris, Director of Membership & Communications for U.S. Apple Association

GM Apple Not Simple, Published in the Western Producer
GM Fish Company Seeks Food Safety Approval in Canada
March 10, 2014. Canadians have confirmation that AquaBounty has asked for approval of itsgenetically modified (GM) salmon for human consumption in Canada.

“Many years into this controversy, Canadians have our first confirmation that Health Canada is assessing the safety of GM salmon for eating, but from the company rather than our own government,” said Lucy Sharratt of the Canadian Biotechnology Action Network (CBAN). “This would be the first GM food animal in the world, but Health Canada refused to confirm or deny that they were spending taxpayers money evaluating this GM fish.”

The latest financial statement from AquaBounty, released March 6, includes confirmation of what the federal government has refused to reveal to Canadians: “The Company continues to seek Environment Canada's approval for the sale of AAS [AquAdvantage Salmon] in Canada for human consumption.” [1] [Please note: AquaBounty names Environment Canada however it is Health Canada that will assess the safety of the GM fish for human consumption.]

In November 2013, the Minister of the Environment announced her decision to allow confined production of the GM fish eggs and fish in Canada, but approval by Health Canada for safe human consumption is required before the GM salmon can be sold as food. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is also currently assessing the safety of the GM salmon.

“Like all GM foods, the GM salmon would not be labeled in grocery stores,” said Sharratt, “The GM salmon would be approved in secret and sold in secret.”

In November 2013, CBAN wrote to the Minister of Health, Rona Ambrose, to ask if Health Canada was reviewing the GM salmon for approval. The response, sent from the Director General of the Food Directorate at Health Canada, Samuel B. Godefroy, was that, “the Department is not legally permitted to release information that companies submit and consider confidential, as per 20 (1) of the Access to Information Act. This includes even the mere fact that a submission to the Department has been made.”[2]

Mr. Godefroy further stated that, “The amount of media coverage suggests that Canadians should be well aware of the existence of this product and its potential for introduction to the Canadian market at the conclusion of a safety assessment by Health Canada.”

“We are astonished that Health Canada continues to deny Canadians such basic information and actually suggests media coverage as a replacement for government transparency,” said Sharratt.

A legal challenge to Environment Canada's decision to allow production of the GM salmon was launched earlier this year by Ecology Action Centre and Living Oceans Society.

AquaBounty’s revelation came just as the two largest grocery chains in the U.S., Kroger and Safeway, committed to not carrying the GM fish, if approved by the U.S. government.


For more information: Lucy Sharratt, Canadian Biotechnology Action Network, 613 809 1103.

Notes to Editors:
[1] AquaBounty Technologies, Inc. Proposed Fundraising and General Meeting, March 6, 2014http://www.londonstockexchange.com/...rket-news-detail.html?announcementId=11885078
[2] Correspondence between Samuel B. Godefroy Director General of the Food Directorate at Health Canada, and Lucy Sharratt, Coordinator, Canadian Biotechnology Action Network, November 27, 2013 http://www.cban.ca/Resources/Topics/GE-Fish/Response-from-Health-Canada-to-CBAN-November-2013
The Canadian Biotechnology Action Network (CBAN) is a campaign coalition of 17 organizations that works to research, monitor and raises awareness about issues relating to genetic engineering in food and farming. Our members include farmer associations, environmental and social justice organizations, and regional coalitions of grassroots groups.
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没人会传自己都不信的谣言。我只收集自己相信的信息且乐于共享, 别人是相信还是不相信,那是别人的事, 我不care。成年人都有自己的判断力, 你不用替”谣言“着急。况且, 究竟什么是谣言, 不是由你说了算。

我好像说的是我自己吧, 你着急什么?




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