温哥华家庭旅馆 -- 如家客栈 -- 真诚欢迎新移民朋友!!

有二月份登陆后打算租车的朋友看过来: up to 40% off at www.carrents.com机会难得!!

来自于 Travelzoo Canada Weekly Top 20 - Jan 16 特价


Toronto C$11.00/day (Feb 8 - 10)周五提车,周日还车(Thrifty)
C$90.00/week(Feb 8 - 14) 周租(Thrifty)

Montreal C$9.98/day (Feb 8 - 10)周五提车,周日还(Dollar)
C$100.98/week(Feb 8 - 14)周租(Dollar)

最大的折扣达到40%, 有恰巧这个时段要租车的移民朋友, 这是个难得的机会. 详细如下:

US$8.08 & up -- Weekend Car Rentals Through March*

US & Canada

Top 20 deal - sells out quickly!
Travel dates: Through March 31

By Travelzoo Staff
Starting as low as US$8.08 per day, you can rent an economy car for the weekend at select airport locations nationwide through CarRentals.com. Through March 31, pick up your car on Friday and return by Sunday, and you'll save up to 40% OFF rates you'd find elsewhere.
We found the best availability and prices at the following locations (sample prices for economy car):
  • Seattle... US$8.08
  • Los Angeles ... US$8.30 (We found a super low rate of US$7.21 on Feb. 1-3, 8-10 but act fast, this rate will go quickly)
  • Las Vegas... US$10.10
  • Montreal ... US$10.79
  • Toronto... US$11.78
  • Dallas... US$12.59
  • Orlando ... US$14.12
  • Newark... US$19.24
  • Additional cities and several car types are also available at discounted rates
Click here to make your reservation directly with CarRentals.com. To see the rate in Canadian Dollars, make sure to select "Canadian Dollar" from the pull-down menu. Note: Availability of economy cars at this price is limited and rates may fluctuate by a few dollars, especially at the more popular locations and rental periods

CarRentals.com Like this deal? Email it to a friend. »

* Terms/Conditions:
Prices listed are in US dollars. Sample pricing for reservations taken on 1/14/08 (at CarRentals.com) for an Economy size car for rental period 1/25?1/27/08. Individual results may vary by specific rental dates, length of rental, vehicle class and rental location. Rate includes time and unlimited miles charges only. Taxes and/or other governmentally-authorized or imposed surcharges of up to 23%, vehicle license recoupment fees of up to US$2.50 per day, airport and airport facility fees (of up to 18% and/or US$5.00 per day or US$15.00 per rental), fuel, additional driver fee, one-way rental charge (if applicable) and optional items (such as damage waiver) are extra. Concession recoupment fees of up to 12% may be added to the rental rate at some on-airport locations. Up to 11.11% may be added to the rental rate if you rent at an off-airport location. Discount does not apply to taxes, surcharges, recovery fees, and optional products and services including damage waiver at US$30.00 or less per day. Check your insurance policy and/or credit card agreement for rental vehicle coverage. Normal rental qualifications apply. Vehicles subject to availability. Other restrictions may apply. Pick-up and drop-off service is subject to geographic and other restrictions. Void where prohibited.

温哥华家庭旅馆 -- 如家客栈 -- 新春特价 正在推广...
回复: 有二月份登陆后打算租车的朋友看过来: up to 40% off at www.carrents.com机会难得!!

这只是base price应该,加上第三方责任险和其他的险,价儿就又上去了。不过得承认即使是base price已经很便宜了
回复: 有二月份登陆后打算租车的朋友看过来: up to 40% off at www.carrents.com机会难得!!

最近接到的这方面的问询比较多,许多客人订房的同时询问租车的情况,在此答复一下也让更多的新移民朋友共享这些信息,不能保证这些信息都是100%准确无误的,有个帖子说的更准确: *版权没有,随便拷贝,如有错误,恕不负责*


1. 用一张能cover基本险的信用卡,会省掉$20/day
2. 选择on-line order, 它比柜台order会省掉5%左右
3. 尽可能避免选择机场提车/还车,会省掉5%或更多
4. 选择周五开始租车,并只租周末或整周租,整双周租/整月租
5. 善于运用租车公司的各种promotion, 各种折扣券 coupon, 并设法叠加使用
6. 避免异地还车
7. 尽可能少选租车公司提供的options
8. 合伙租车时,用年龄最长,驾龄最长的那个人的名义租车

温哥华家庭旅馆 -- 如家客栈 -- 新春特价 正在推广中...
温哥华家庭旅馆 -- 如家客栈 -- 日租房 2008 新春特价 604-537-5707

:wdb32:温哥华家庭旅馆 如家客栈 -- 日租房 2008 新春特价热线 604-537-5707:wdb32:

短住/中转/观光/商旅, 如家是您的最佳选择!

2008新春来临之际, 如家特别推出

日租房 新春特价 (有效期 2008.02.20 -- 2008.03.15)


++ 我们是一家小型的家庭旅馆,只有四套客房!!
++ 内街花园别墅, 安静,暇意, 特别适合旅途疲劳的您调校时差,补充睡眠!
++ 所有房间均保持原有结构, 宽大,明亮.
++ 每个房间都有高速internet有线接口.
++ 免费美国/加拿大长途电话.
++ 我们提供包餐服务,周末更可品尝到鲜活海鲜.
++ 超大七座旅行车提供机场接送,旅游服务.
++ 西雅图机场接送服务.
++ 美国非移民签证预约/咨询服务.

传真 +001(604)304-2950
Skype: peter620t
Email: home-inn@hotmail.com


温哥华家庭旅馆 如家客栈 座落于加拿大西海岸大温哥华(Vancouver)地区华人最集中的列治文市(Richmond)高尚社区;设有单人房,双人房,三人房,家庭客房,家庭套房, 全新?具,齐备的厨房,洗浴/卫生,洗衣/干衣设施; 安静内街,前后花园,前后凉台; 门前多个停车位, 高速Internet, 有线电视,激光传真,打印,扫描,复印等商务设施. 距离加拿大西部最大的,也是北美最重要的航空口岸之一的温哥华国际机场只有5分钟车程; 步行5分钟就有公车410/496, 401/491, 快车方便短住客人出行. 10分钟去Shopping Mall.

温馨,舒适,实惠,方便,令您有如家一样的感觉! 最为适合来自中国大陆,港澳台,及世界各地的华人新移民朋友;商务考察团,旅游观光,各类中转客人,以及留学生,访问学者,各种类型的工签人员(住家护理,厨师),和各类技术,劳务输出人员短住.

$35/Day单人间, $40双人间,
$55家庭套房, $70超大套房/Day


传真 +001(604)304-2950
Skype: peter620t
电子邮件 Email:home-inn@hotmail.com
网址 http://home-inn.spaces.live.com/
最后编辑: 2008-06-22




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