回复: 小暖虫的蒙城Training(英法)和College(英)课程列表
小暖虫总让人感到暖暖的,我想了解一下,有英语教学的洗牙师课程么?我看到的是牙齿护理,那包括洗牙师么?听说洗牙师的学习费用很贵,是真的 么?到底有多难学,小暖虫有所了解么?谢谢.
Dental hygiene - 111.A0
John Abbott College offers the only English-language dental hygiene program in Quebec!
The dental hygiene Program provides education to future licensed health professionals who work as part of the dental team. As part of their training to become dental hygienists, students learn to assess their clients’ oral health needs, take dental X-rays, design individual dental hygiene care plans, perform periodontal debridement (clean & polish teeth), insert fillings and apply other preventive measures.
The program is accredited by the Commission on dental Accreditation of Canada. Graduates are eligible to work anywhere across Canada provided they meet the provincial or territorial licensure or registration requirements.
1st Semester 101-DCA Human Anatomy & Physiology I 111-103Introduction to the Profession 111-104 Dental Anatomy 111-113 Prevention I: Methods and Measures 603-101 English 345-103 Humanities 109-___ Physical Education ___-___ Complementary
2nd Semester 101-214 Dental Microbiology 101-DCJ Human Anatomy & Physiology II 111-203 Head & Neck Examination 111-204 Health & Safety 120-203 Nutrition: Oral Health 350-203 Communication & Teamwork 603-___ English
3rd Semester 111-303 Health History 111-305 Prosthodontics 111-306 Periodontal Instrumentation 111-DCS Detection of Oral Disease 603-___ English 602-___ French 345-102 Humanities
4th Semester 111-404 Prevention II: Educating the Client 111-406 Radiology 111-408 Clinic I 111-DDC Restorative Dentistry 603-DB_ English 109-___ Physical Education
5th Semester 111-503 Advanced Periodontology 111-505 Community dental Health 111-51B Clinic II 345-DB_ Humanities ___-___ Complementary
6th Semester 111-603 Integration into the Workplace 111-604 Community Fieldwork 111-614 Orthodontics 111-62B Clinic III 602-DB_ French 109-105 Physical Education
All students must pass the Ministerial Examination of College English and a Comprehensive Assessment in dental Hygiene.