斯坦福 IT

Daily ESL: 三个月粗通英语

Barbecue Tips

Barbecue Tips
During the summer months, I often have a barbecue with my friends. I first put charcoal in the grill, pour some lighter fluid over the charcoal, and then light the grill with a match. It usually takes a few minutes for the grill to get going, and I don't put the meat on until the coals are really hot. When the coals are ready, I put on the meat. Sometimes, I grill hamburgers, steak, or chicken. If I'm grilling steak, I lightly season the meat with salt and pepper, grill it on one side, and then turn over the meat and cook it on the other side. I generally like the meat medium rare(完全生的才能用raw), but most of my friends like their meat medium well. My brother likes his meat well-done. Sometimes, I also grill vegetables to add variety to the meal. Of course, some people use gas grills to barbecue their meal, but I prefer meat that is cooked over an open fire using charcoal.






  顺便提一句,如果自家后院的烧烤聚会演变为一场混乱的浩劫,你可能会想到buccaneer这个词。对了,buccaneer就是海盗,和barbecue有很深的渊源。在加勒比海图皮人的印地安语里,mukem和barbecue意思相同,而法国殖民者将其转化为boucanier,表示在户外火堆上弄食物的流浪者。这些boucaniers 也经常抢劫或进行其他违法活动。到大约十七世纪末, buccaneer最后成为英语词汇,表示在加勒比海出没的海盗。
Planning a Picnic 准备一次野餐

Planning a Picnic 准备一次野餐

A: You know, let's do something we haven't done for a long time. I'd like to go on a picnic. Where could we go? Over to the park?
B: No. I want to drive out into the country, find a little creek someplace away from the highway, and have a real old-fashioned picnic lunch with fried chicken, and potato salad, and dill pickles, and lemonade.
A: Sounds like a good idea. Why don't we go this Sunday?
B: I can't make it. I'm busy all weekend, but next Sunday I'm free.
A: It's a date. You furnish the lunch and I'll provide the

Real old-fashioned ――typical
Sound like 像是
回复: Daily ESL: 三个月粗通英语

As summertime begins in Britain, people start to feel the urge to go outside to eat. People love to have a picnic whenever the weather is good enough, especially people with children. It’s a great way to spend a sunny afternoon.

Even in the centre of London, on a sunny day, the parks are full of office workers eating their lunch outside on the grass. That might be a pretty basic picnic ? a shop-bought sandwich and a bottle of water.

But if people are planning a picnic on the beach or at the park, they would probably pack a cool bag with a whole variety of home-made sandwiches, snacks, cake, fruit and soft drinks. They might have a picnic rug to sit on, and paper plates and cups. Another item which is useful is a thermos flask which keeps hot drinks like tea or coffee hot, or cold ones icy. (来源:英语电影下载 http://bt.englishcn.com)

University students enjoy having picnics, and usually take along some kind of sports equipment, such as a Frisbee or ball in order to burn off some energy after lunch. British student picnics usually involve drinking beer or wine too!

For small children the idea of a teddy bear’s picnic is popular ? each child brings their teddy bear along to ‘enjoy’ the fun as well.

Some people love to have a very elaborate picnic, and really go all out to make it an occasion. For a very posh picnic you’d need a proper picnic hamper to hold the food complete with china crockery, metal cutlery and real wine glasses. A picnic could be a romantic occasion, but only if it’s in a quiet attractive spot, not in a busy park with lots of children playing nearby! (来源:英语e问e答 http://ask.englishcn.com)
In that case there might be champagne or chilled wine to drink, and gourmet picnic fare, either home-made, or bought from a local delicatessen. Crusty bread, dips, paté, and strawberries with cream for dessert make for a more sophisticated al fresco experience. (来源:英语电影下载 http://bt.englishcn.com)

Of course, you can never reply on the British summer weather, so taking an umbrella along might be a good idea just in case! (来源:英语分类信息 http://fl.englishcn.com)
Is that your phone or your imagination?

Is that your phone or your imagination?
[FONT=宋体] [/FONT][FONT=宋体]是手机响了还是你的想象?[/FONT]

If your hipbone is connected to your BlackBerry or your thighbone is connected to your cell phone, those vibrations(1) you're feeling in the car, in your pajamas(2), in the shower, may be coming from your headbone.

Many mobile phone addicts and Black Berry junkies(3) report feeling vibrations when there are none, or feeling as if they're wearing a cell phone when they're not.

The first time it happened to Jonathan Zaback, a manager at the public relations company Burson-Marsteller, he was out with friends and showing off his new BlackBerry Curve.

"While they were looking at it, I felt this vibration on my side. I reached down to grab it and realized there was no BlackBerry there."

Zaback, who said he keeps his BlackBerry by his bed while he sleeps, checks it if he gets up in the middle of the night and wakes to an alarm on the BlackBerry each day, said this didn't worry him.

"As long as it doesn't mean a tumor(4) is growing on my leg because of my BlackBerry, I'm fine with it," he said. "Some people have biological clocks, I might have a biological BlackBerry."

Some users compare the feeling to a phantom(5) limb(6), which Merriam-Webster's medical dictionary defines as "an often painful sensation of the presence of a limb that has been amputated(7)."

"Even when I don't have the BlackBerry physically on my person, I do find myself adjusting my posture when I sit to accommodate(8) it," said Dawn Mena, an independent technology consultant(9) based Calif. "I also laugh at myself as I reach to unclip it (I swear it's there) and find out I don't even have it on."

Research in the area is scant(10), but theories abound about the phenomenon, which has been termed "ringxiety" or "fauxcellarm."

Anecdotal(11) evidence suggests "people feel the phone is part of them" and "they're not whole" without their phones, since the phones connect them to the world, said B.J. Fogg, director of research and design at Stanford University's Persuasive Technology Lab.

"As human beings, we're so tapped into(12) our community, responsiveness to what's going on, we're so attuned(13) to the threat of isolation and rejection, we'd rather make a mistake than miss a call," he said. "Our brain is going to be scanning and scanning and scanning to see if we have to respond socially to someone."



[FONT=宋体]公共关系公司[/FONT]Burson-Marsteller[FONT=宋体]经理[/FONT]Jonathan Zaback[FONT=宋体]在向朋友们显摆新黑莓时第一次发现这种现象。[/FONT] ([FONT=宋体]来源:英语麦当劳-英语杂志[/FONT] www.EnglishCN.com)



[FONT=宋体]他说:“只要不是因为它长什么瘤就行,震动无所谓。有些人有生物钟,我多半是有生物黑莓。”[/FONT] ([FONT=宋体]来源:英语问答中心[/FONT] http://ask.englishcn.com)


[FONT=宋体]加利福尼亚独立技术顾问[/FONT]Dawn Mena[FONT=宋体]说:“即便黑莓没在身上,我也会在坐下的时候注意别压坏它。有时候我伸手去拿它,发现根本没带,觉得自己很好笑。”[/FONT] ([FONT=宋体]来源:英语麦当劳-英语杂志[/FONT] www.EnglishCN.com)

[FONT=宋体]此领域的研究还很匮乏,但是相关现象的理论已经十分丰富了。例如被称为“手机综合症”和“铃声错觉”的现象。[/FONT] ([FONT=宋体]来源:英语聊天室[/FONT] http://chat.EnglishCN.com)

[FONT=宋体]斯坦福大学劝诱技术实验室研究设计主管[/FONT]B.J. Fogg[FONT=宋体]说:一些现象显示,人们似乎感觉手机是他们身体的一部分,没有手机他们就不完整,因为手机是他们与世界相连的方式之一。[/FONT] ([FONT=宋体]来源:英语交友[/FONT] http://friends.englishcn.com)



1. Vibration[FONT=宋体]:震动[/FONT]

2. Pajamas[FONT=宋体]:睡衣[/FONT]

3. Junky[FONT=宋体]:吸毒者[/FONT]

4. Tumor[FONT=宋体]:瘤[/FONT]

5. Phantom[FONT=宋体]:幻影[/FONT]

6. Limb[FONT=宋体]:肢[/FONT]

7. Amputate[FONT=宋体]:切除[/FONT]

8. Accommodate[FONT=宋体]:适应[/FONT]

9. Consultant[FONT=宋体]:顾问[/FONT]

10. Scant[FONT=宋体]:缺乏的[/FONT]

11. Anecdotal[FONT=宋体]:轶闻趣事的[/FONT]

12. Tap into[FONT=宋体]:接进[/FONT]

13. Attune[FONT=宋体]:使合调[/FONT]


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Lawn Care:

Lawn Care:
Mowing, Fertilizing, and Trimming Your Grass
We just bought a house with a great lawn, but I want to be sure to take care of it so it looks nice in the neighborhood. At the beginning of each spring, I aerate the lawn so the water can better penetrate the soil. Then, I mow the lawn once a week to a good height, and I check the sprinkler system to make sure the grass is completely watered. Otherwise, we'll see dry brown spots in the lawn after a while. Next, I fertilize the lawn twice a year with a weed and feed mixture(没理解,是除草剂和肥料的混合液?) which helps green up the grass and kill broad leaf weeds like dandelions. I sometimes have to use an insecticide to kill bugs that are eating the roots of the grass. Finally, I trim the edges of the lawn along the fence and the sidewalk to make everything look really sharp and tidy.
Making Breakfast Meals

As a general rule, I prepare breakfast for my family using an old pancake recipe that my grandma taught me years ago. I mix together the ingredients including flour, baking powder, and salt in a large bowl. In the meantime, I heat up a non-stick pan on medium heat on the stove. I pour some batter(什么东东??) in the hot pan, cook it on one side until golden brown, and then cook the other side the same way. At the dining room table, the family often spreads butter on the pancakes and pours syrup on them. I also cook up some scrambled eggs and bacon to go with the pancakes, and throw some bread in the toaster(烤箱). Finally, I mix up some cold orange juice to go with the entire meal.
回复: Daily ESL: 三个月粗通英语

Cooking breakfast can be fun if you enjoy it , and making food for someone else is even better. I usually cook eggs and bacon. First, I warm up the stove and then beat the eggs in a bowl. I prefer scrambled eggs, but I can make just about any type. I warm up the burner on the stove, and I pour the eggs in a frying pan. I use a spatula to mix and turn over the eggs. Once the eggs are done, I remove them from the pan and serve them to the family. If the eggs aren't salty enough, the kids can add more salt or pepper.
回复: Daily ESL: 三个月粗通英语


Pour the batter into a greased 9 x 5 inch loaf pan and bake in a preheated 350ºF oven for 45 to 50 minutes or until a toothpick comes out clean when inserted into the bread.
Home Improvements:

Home Improvements:
Fixing Your Place Up I recently bought an old house, and new(是不是应该为now), I'm trying to fix it up. I'd like to make a few home improvements before I move in. First of all, I'm pulling out all of the old carpet and laying down some new carpet throughout the house. I'm also putting in new light fixtures灯具. The old ones don't light up the rooms very well. Next, I'm remodeling the entire kitchen by putting in new kitchen cabinets橱柜, a new counter top, a new sink and faucet, and new linoleum. I'm also going to buy new appliances for the kitchen. I'm also thinking about adding a new addition to the house, which would include a new family room and dining room area. Outside our back door, I going to build a deck where we can sit, relax, and have barbecues. We will also do some landscaping to the yard to beautify things a little. One final thing I need to do is shingle the roof. The old shingles are falling off in places, and if I don't replace them, I might start having leaks in the house. By the time I'm finished with these home improvement projects, the place should look as good as new.

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