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Daily ESL: 三个月粗通英语


回复: Haircut


He's an attorney这句没听出来,只是听是一个lawyer。
Gas Station


When I need gas for my car, I pull into a gas station right around the corner from my house and use my gas card. Years ago, full-service gas stations were very common. The gas station attendent(应为attendant) would put gas in your car, check the oil level in your engine and air pressure in your tires, and wash your windows. However, things have changed. Now, most gas stations are self-service centers where you do all your car maintanence. Personally, I usually fill the car up with gas every time I stop. I generally pay with cash, but more and more gas stations accept credit cards, and you can pay at the gas pump outside without going into the station to pay the cashier directly. Now, because gas prices are on the rise, I am thinking about buying a more fuel-efficient vehicle or just taking the bus to work.
Golf Course

Golf Course:
Improving Your Swing

I've decided to take up the game of golf after playing with a friend recently. However, the sport isn't as easy as it appears. To improve my game, I've been spending a lot of time at the driving range hitting balls with my clubs(球棒). I'm starting to hit the ball straighter off the tee(球座), and I'm not slicing the ball as much. I'm able to drive the ball about 275 yards. About twice a week, I reserve a tee time at 6:00 a.m., and I usually play with a colleague from work. I enjoy carrying my own clubs around the golf course rather than renting and riding in a golf cart. It just gives me more exercise. My tee shot is usually pretty straight down the fairway, but I have the tendency to hit the ball in the rough on my second or third shot. I can usually get the ball to the green on my third or fourth shot, but the ball sometimes lands in a bunker or sand trap(沙坑). That's when I have a problem because I have a difficult time getting the ball out of the bunker and on to the green. If all goes well, I can put the ball into the hole on the fifth or sixth shot. As you can see, I almost always golf over par, but my game is getting better.
Health Club

Health Club

I go to a health club two or three times a week to stay in shape and stay fit. On Mondays and Wednesdays, I run several miles on a treadmill and then cool down by walking around the indoor track. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, I lift weights and discuss nutrition with my personal trainer. On Fridays, I play racketball with a friend and then relax in the jacuzzi for a few minutes to relax my muscles. On Saturdays, I do aerobics to improve my cardiovascular fitness. Exercise also lets me burn off stress from work. On Sundays, I take a day off from exercising, but I might take a stroll around the park with my dog.

Abdominal bench 腹部训练椅
Abdominal 腹部前屈机
Abdominal 腹部训练器
Adductor 夹腿机
Adjustable bench 可调式哑铃椅
Allen wrench 通用扳手
Arm curl 二头肌推举器
Back machine 背部训练机
Barbell 杠铃架
Bi-axial chest press 双轴上斜推胸机
Bicep curl machine 二头肌训练机
Bicep 二头肌训练机
Cable column 复合拉伸机
Cable cross 复合飞鸟机
Calf 小腿训练机
Caplug 盖塞
Chest mid-row 滑船机
Chest press machine 坐姿推胸机
Chest press 胸部推举机
Chest 复合胸部训练器
Cord bracket 夹线板
Counter-balanced smith machine 史密斯机
Countersunk socket set screw: 埋头螺丝
Cover center section: 盖板中心部分
Crank plate: 曲板(保留英文)
Crutch tip:
Cycling equipment健骑机/ 健身车
Decline Olympic bench 奥林匹克下斜椅
Dip chin ab 单杠提膝器
Dip station 双杠练习器
Display lower: 显示器下盖
Display stem: 显示器支撑杆
Double tier dumbbell 双层哑铃架
Dual cable column 双臂训练机
End cap 后盖
End plaque cap 瓷花后盖
endurance training 耐力训练
Flat bench 扁平椅
Flat bench 哑铃平椅
Flat Olympic bench 奥林匹克平椅
Flat/incline/decline bench 可调式哑铃椅
Flush head press in stud: 埋头大头钉
Freeweight dumbbell 负重哑铃
Freeweight 负重
Full dog point socket set: 专用螺丝
Functional lift 复合抬举机
Hamstring 低拉机
Hip abductor 腿部外弯机
Hip adductor 腿部内弯机
Hyperextension 腹背训练凳
IEC Free plug, shutter snap fit: 通用插头
Incline Olympic bench 奥林匹克上斜椅
Incline press machine 上斜推胸机
Incline trainer 上斜跑步机
Inner thigh adductor machine 腿部内弯机
Lat high row 高位滑船机
Lat machine with mid row 高拉训练机
Lat pull down 高拉机训练机
Lat 复合高拉机
Lateral shoulder raise 肩部侧推机
Leg curl machine/seated leg curl 屈腿训练机
Leg extension machine 腿部伸展机
Leg extension 腿部伸展机
Leg press machine 腿部推蹬机
Leg press 腿部推蹬机
Leg press/hach squat machine 倒蹬/斜蹬机
Logo wheel: 轮子(带标识)
Military press 肩部推举机
Multi-hip machine 臂部复合训练机
Nutsert 螺母
Olympic weight tree 铃片架
Outer thigh abductor machine 腿部外弯机
Overhead Tricep 三头肌高位训练机
path of motion 动作路径
PEC machine/butterfly 蝴蝶机
Pedal leaver arm: 踏板臂
Plate loaded squat 挂片式深蹲机
Poly “V” drive pulley: V形驱动滑轮
Preacher curl bench 屈臂训练凳
Pro-smith machine 安全杠铃练习机
Quadricep 复合腿部训练机
Recumbent cycle 卧式健身车
Reps. (repetition) 组
Ribbed insert: 扶手连杆
Roller member pivot: 辊构件枢轴
Roman chair/back hyperextension 罗马凳
Rotary torso machine 旋转训练机
Row 复合划船机
Rubber boot: 橡胶支座
Rubber bump stop: 橡胶缓冲器
Rubber earring moulding: 橡胶基座
Runner assembly 转动组件
Seat carriage 座位滑动架
Seated calf machine 小腿训练机
Seated calf machine 坐姿小腿练习机
Seated chest press 坐工推胸机
Seated row machine 坐姿划船机
Sets 套
Shoulder press machine 肩部推举机
Shoulder 复合肩部训练机
Single tier dumbbell 单层哑铃架
sover machine 双臂交叉训练机(大飞鸟机)
Squat rack 挂片式深蹲架
Squat 蹲式复合训练机
Standard weight tree 铃片架
Standing bicep 站式肱二头肌训练器
Standing hip/multi-hip machine 臂部复合训练机
Standing tricep 站式肱三头肌训练器
Step hole trim L/hand: 左踏板孔饰物
Step hole trim retaining block: 踏板孔饰物固定块
Step 负重踏步机
Stepper 台阶器
strength training 力量训练
Stretch corner 伸拉角
Stretch zone 伸拉中心
Toothed belt idler plate: 皮带惰轮锯齿板 (保留英文)
Treadmills 踏步机
Tricep press down machine 三头肌训练机
Tricep 复合三头肌训练机
Upper back 背肌训练机
Upright cycle 立式健身车
Utility bench 三角椅
Vertical knee raise 单杠提膝器
Vertical leg press 垂直蹬腿练习器
Wab board 腹肌板
Weight stack 配重片
weight training 负荷训练
Wiring loom: 接线器
2-tier horizontal dumbbell rack 哑铃架
45 hyperextension 腹背训练凳

Highway:Road Maps and Traffic Safety

I sometimes drive to work in the morning. I get on the highway near my house at Exit 219, heading southbound toward downtown. The three-lane highway is often congested that time of morning, but I use the carpool lane that's reserved for cars with two or more passengers. I usually travel with a colleague to work. If I'm traveling to work by myself, then I usually stay in the right lane unless I'm passing another vehicle. I always drive the speed limit because I don't want to get pulled over for speeding. Furthermore, it's much safer to drive the speed limit than to speed and cause an accident. I also make sure I use my turn signals as I change lanes, and I maintain a safe distance behind the car in front of me. Once you reach the city, the traffic slows, and you often have to drive bumper-to-bumper for a few miles. I get off the highway downtown. If you haven't driven this stretch of highway before, I suggest you buy a road map to help you navigate yourself around town.

drive bumper-to-bumper[FONT=宋体]:一辆接一辆地慢行[/FONT]
maintain a safe distance behind the car in front of me[FONT=宋体]与前车保持安全距离[/FONT]
get pulled over[FONT=宋体]:被截到路边开罚单[/FONT] pull over[FONT=宋体]开到路边[/FONT]
drive the speed limit[FONT=宋体]:遵守限速行驶[/FONT]
carpool lane[FONT=宋体]:供两人以上乘客的小车行驶的专门车道[/FONT]
heading southbound toward downtown[FONT=宋体]:朝南向进城方向行驶[/FONT]
回复: Daily ESL: 三个月粗通英语

. period 句号
, comma 逗号
: colon 冒号
; semicolon 分号
! exclamation 惊叹号
? question mark 问号
 ̄ hyphen 连字符
' apostrophe 省略号;所有格符号
― dash 破折号
‘ ’single quotation marks 单引号
“ ”double quotation marks 双引号
( )parentheses 圆括号
[ ]square brackets 方括号
《 》French quotes 法文引号;书名号
... ellipsis 省略号
¨ tandem colon 双点号
" ditto 同上
‖ parallel 双线号
/ virgule 斜线号
& ampersand = and
~ swung dash 代字号
→ arrow 箭号;参见号
+ plus 加号;正号
- minus 减号;负号
± plus or minus 正负号
× is multiplied by 乘号
÷ is divided by 除号
= is equal to 等于号
≠ is not equal to 不等于号
≈ is approximately equal to 约等于号
° degree 度
′ minute 分
″ second 秒
@ at 单价
% per cent 百分之…
‰ per mill 千分之…

driving licence 驾驶执照 (美作:driver's license)
highway code 交通法规
traffic sign, road sign 交通标志
to accelerate 加速
to brake 制动,刹车
to engage the clutch 接上离合器
to declutch 分开离合器
to stall 发动机停转
to change gear 变速
to start up 起动
to put one's foot down 加速,踏下加速踏板 (美作:to step on the gas)
to overtake 向前行驶
to decelerate 减速
top speed 最高速度
speed limit 速度限制
to park 停车
car park 停车场 (美作parking lot)
to switch off the motor 熄火
motorway 高速公路 (美作:freeway,superhighway)
toll road 收费公路 (美作:turnpike)
Medical Care and Health Insurance

Medical Care and Health Insurance

Last week, I suddenly became really sick, and I was feeling a great deal of pain in my side, so my father rushed me to the emergency room at the nearest hospital. I started feeling a strong pain in my side, and there wasn't any sign that I was getting better. We didn't feel that we needed to call an ambulance because we lived so close to the hospital. When we arrived, my dad helped me into the emergency room, and the doctor on duty realized I had appendicitis. I was quickly admitted to the hospital. A nurse took my vital signs (blood pressure, temperature, and pulse) while my dad filled out all the necessary paperwork. Soon thereafter, I was prepared for emergency surgery. The surgery didn't last that long, but I felt sore afterwards. I was released the following day from the hospital, and I was back on my feet in a couple of days. No one likes to visit a hospital, but I'm glad we have them. Having good health insurance is also extremely important because medical costs are so expensive. This is particularly true for international students who are traveling abroad.
International Health Insurance

International Health Insurance:
Do I Really Need It?
So, you might ask what the relationship is between studying abroad and getting good health insurance. The answer is everything. One unexpected medical emergency can drain your financial resources, leaving you with no money to pay for school. As a result, many students have no choice but to return to their countries.
You really have two basic choices for health insurance: obtain international insurance (if applicable) in your home country before you depart or student health insurance once you arrive. As for the first option, you'll have to pay the medical costs in full on your own and then submit medical forms and receipts to the insurance company to be reimbursed. If you have sufficient funds, then this won't be a problem.
As for the second option, you'll probably just have to pay a certain percentage, and the company will pay their part.
Whatever you do, be sure to clearly understand the terms of the agreement you sign with the insurance company. There are often a number of limitations and restrictions with the policy, and understanding them up front will reduce the number of misunderstandings that could arise. Unfortunately, many students only think about insurance when it is too late as they sit in the hospital's emergency room. Get insurance to help you pay for your medical expenses; otherwise, you might not have money for tomorrow's school tuition.

Because my apartment doesn't have a washer and dryer, I go once a week to a laundromat down the street. Throughout the week, I throw my dirty clothes in a clothes hamper in my room, and then haul that down to the laundromat. Because the place has coin-operated machines, I have to make sure I have plenty of change. I separate the whites from the darks and wash them in separate machines---unless I want pink dress shirts. This happened when I accidently washed my dress shirts with my sister's pink shirts. Not a good idea at all. I add the right amount of laundry detergent and bleach as needed, with a little fabric softener. After the wash is finished, I put the clothes in a dryer. While the washer and dryer are going, I usually read a book or magazine to pass the time. When the clothes are done drying, I fold them---usually---and then take the finished laundry home. Finally, I put my clothes away in my dresser or closet. Washing and drying clothes isn't the most exciting chore, but it has to be done.
情景会话: At the Launderette在自助洗衣店

  Barry : I don't know how to make this machine work, Mrs. King. Could you give me a hand?
  Mrs.King: Oh. Hi,Barry. It has been a long time.
  Barry: Yes, Mrs. King. I just returned from my honeymoon. We wanted to do our laundry with our new washing machine, but neither my wife nor I could make it work. We believe there must be something wrong.
  Mrs.King: Did you call the shop where you bought the washing machine to help you?
  Barry : We did, but they have only one mechanic. We'll have to wait till next Monday.
  Mrs.King: I see. Have you finished your laundry?
  Barry : No. I was just trying to tell you that I don't seem to be able to make this machine work
  Mrs.King: Oh, we got rid of most of the old machines. This one is new. Let me show you how to operate it.
  Barry : Thank you. Mrs. King.
  Mrs King: Do you have a dollar and two quarters?
  Barry : Yes, here you are. The old machines only took three quarters.
  Mrs.King: Well, you know. Now, insert the coins, put your laundry in, put down this cover, press the "On" button, and set the time――twenty minute will be enough――at the "Wash" setting. Then set another ten minutes at the "Dry" setting. All right Now you can go shopping or go home and come pick up your wash after a half hour.

Searching Online and Checking Out Books Recently, I needed to find a book for one of my classes at the university, but I didn't know if the university library had it in their collection, so I went to the library Website and searched for the book online. You can search the library database either by subject, title, and author, and the Website will tell you if the book is checked in or check(ed) out by another patron. In my case, the book was still available, so I went to the library the next day and found it on the shelves using the library catalog number. I then went to the circulation desk and checked the book out using my university ID card. In most cases, students and faculty can check out books for up to one month, and you can renew them if you still want to hang on to them. If you return them after that, then they are overdue, and you have to pay a late fee. If you lose a book, then you have to pay to cost to replace it. I often use the library and check out books instead of buying them if I can. Borrowing books can save you money in the long run.
回复: Daily ESL: 三个月粗通英语


. period 句号
, comma 逗号
: colon 冒号
; semicolon 分号
! exclamation 惊叹号
? question mark 问号
 ̄ hyphen 连字符
' apostrophe 省略号;所有格符号
― dash 破折号
‘ ’single quotation marks 单引号
“ ”double quotation marks 双引号
( )parentheses 圆括号
[ ]square brackets 方括号
《 》French quotes 法文引号;书名号
... ellipsis 省略号
¨ tandem colon 双点号
" ditto 同上
‖ parallel 双线号
/ virgule 斜线号
& ampersand = and
~ swung dash 代字号
→ arrow 箭号;参见号
+ plus 加号;正号
- minus 减号;负号
± plus or minus 正负号
× is multiplied by 乘号
÷ is divided by 除号
= is equal to 等于号
≠ is not equal to 不等于号
≈ is approximately equal to 约等于号
° degree 度
′ minute 分
″ second 秒
@ at 单价
% per cent 百分之…
‰ per mill 千分之…

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