回复: 万用英语口语句典
04.02.05 四肢不适
04.02.06 总体不适
04.02.07 买药
04.02.08 复查
05.01.01 逛街的冲动
04.02.05 四肢不适
1, I have injured my leg.
2, My left ankle was swollen.
3, My ankle is twisted.
4, I fell and hurt this arm.
5, I twisted my wrist.
6, The window pinched my fingers as it shut.
7, My finger was pricked by the sharp knife.
8, My hand was scalded with the boiling water.
04.02.06 总体不适
1, I don't feel well.
2, My whole body feels weak.
3, I always feel very nervous.
4, I'm all in a fluster.
5, I'm losing sleep all night.
6, My skin is itchy all over.
7, I always lose my temper for no reason.
8, I incline toward to melancholia.
9, I'm on a diet but only get weaker.
04.02.07 买药
1, Can you fill this prescription for me?
2, I'd like to buy some medicine.
3, I have diarrhea. Do you have medicine for it?
4, Do you have something for athlete's foot?
5, Do you have medicine for a cold?
6, I like some pain-killing drugs.
7, What drugs can reduce a fever?
8, Are these tablets available over the counter?
9, Doctor, what is this for, can you tell me?
10, Should I take this with meals?
11, Could you tell me how to take this medicine?
12, How many of these should I take?
13, How many pills do I take everyday?
14, How many times a day should I take this medicine?
15, Does this drug have any side effects?
16, Can I drive after taking this medicine?
17, After taking this medicine, how long before I feel better?
04.02.08 复查
1, Would you please do a physical reexamination for me?
2, How are you feeling today.
3, Can I dispense with the pills?
4, I'm not getting better at all.
5, You are on the mend now.
6, You have completely recovered.
7, You can leave the hospital now.
05.01.01 逛街的冲动
1, Why don't we go window shopping?
2, I want to get a new suit.
3, Shopping around is really a must
4, I'm making a shopping list.
5, Are we shot of tea and coffee?
04.02.05 四肢不适
04.02.06 总体不适
04.02.07 买药
04.02.08 复查
05.01.01 逛街的冲动
04.02.05 四肢不适
1, I have injured my leg.
2, My left ankle was swollen.
3, My ankle is twisted.
4, I fell and hurt this arm.
5, I twisted my wrist.
6, The window pinched my fingers as it shut.
7, My finger was pricked by the sharp knife.
8, My hand was scalded with the boiling water.
04.02.06 总体不适
1, I don't feel well.
2, My whole body feels weak.
3, I always feel very nervous.
4, I'm all in a fluster.
5, I'm losing sleep all night.
6, My skin is itchy all over.
7, I always lose my temper for no reason.
8, I incline toward to melancholia.
9, I'm on a diet but only get weaker.
04.02.07 买药
1, Can you fill this prescription for me?
2, I'd like to buy some medicine.
3, I have diarrhea. Do you have medicine for it?
4, Do you have something for athlete's foot?
5, Do you have medicine for a cold?
6, I like some pain-killing drugs.
7, What drugs can reduce a fever?
8, Are these tablets available over the counter?
9, Doctor, what is this for, can you tell me?
10, Should I take this with meals?
11, Could you tell me how to take this medicine?
12, How many of these should I take?
13, How many pills do I take everyday?
14, How many times a day should I take this medicine?
15, Does this drug have any side effects?
16, Can I drive after taking this medicine?
17, After taking this medicine, how long before I feel better?
04.02.08 复查
1, Would you please do a physical reexamination for me?
2, How are you feeling today.
3, Can I dispense with the pills?
4, I'm not getting better at all.
5, You are on the mend now.
6, You have completely recovered.
7, You can leave the hospital now.
05.01.01 逛街的冲动
1, Why don't we go window shopping?
2, I want to get a new suit.
3, Shopping around is really a must
4, I'm making a shopping list.
5, Are we shot of tea and coffee?
由版主最后编辑: 2008-02-22