你好,LZ,我有问题想问,我老公系加拿大公民已经递了申请上去,加拿大领事馆也寄了几封信给我,现在我的问题是我现在怀孕7个多月了,可是我收到加拿大领事馆那边寄来的信件通知我面试,时间是在2011年的8月15日,可是那时候我的孩子还没出生,我是去香港面试的,如果去香港面试的话那我过关可能会遭拒绝,现在我想通知加拿大领事馆改面试日期,可以吗?我不清楚,我收到的信件标题是这样的:This refers to your application for permanent residence in Canada. Based on your submission to date, you have failed to satisfy an officer that you meet the requirements of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act. In order to determine if you comply with Canadian immigration requirements, it will be necessary for you to attend an interview at the Consulate General at the following date and time 请问是叫我去面试吗?如果是的话,面试的日期和我的预产期刚好相撞,我该如何做啊!急,谢谢楼主咯!请你尽快答复!
你好,LZ,我有问题想问,我老公系加拿大公民已经递了申请上去,加拿大领事馆也寄了几封信给我,现在我的问题是我现在怀孕7个多月了,可是我收到加拿大领事馆那边寄来的信件通知我面试,时间是在2011年的8月15日,可是那时候我的孩子还没出生,我是去香港面试的,如果去香港面试的话那我过关可能会遭拒绝,现在我想通知加拿大领事馆改面试日期,可以吗?我不清楚,我收到的信件标题是这样的:This refers to your application for permanent residence in Canada. Based on your submission to date, you have failed to satisfy an officer that you meet the requirements of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act. In order to determine if you comply with Canadian immigration requirements, it will be necessary for you to attend an interview at the Consulate General at the following date and time 请问是叫我去面试吗?如果是的话,面试的日期和我的预产期刚好相撞,我该如何做啊!急,谢谢楼主咯!请你尽快答复!