回复: 献斤爱过,爱着和将要爱Vancouver的-2 姹紫嫣红~ 漂亮!
jasiminee 3,023 2009-05-11 #25 回复: 献斤爱过,爱着和将要爱Vancouver的-2 顺流而下 说: 提个小小的建议,片片太大,看起来不太方便。 点击展开... That's true, I will try( because I need cut the pictures smaller first and upload them later, it needs lots of time, very sorry for that! ), but you can look at the following one which is much smaller!
回复: 献斤爱过,爱着和将要爱Vancouver的-2 顺流而下 说: 提个小小的建议,片片太大,看起来不太方便。 点击展开... That's true, I will try( because I need cut the pictures smaller first and upload them later, it needs lots of time, very sorry for that! ), but you can look at the following one which is much smaller!
jasiminee 3,023 2009-05-12 #28 回复: 献斤爱过,爱着和将要爱Vancouver的-2 保尔柯察金 说: 照片中有一个男模?是楼主安排的? 点击展开... Which one? are they handsome? haha!
jasong 2,953 2009-05-12 #29 回复: 献斤爱过,爱着和将要爱Vancouver的-2 jasiminee 说: Which one? are they handsome? haha! 点击展开... 哈哈哈哈逗死额了……
jasiminee 3,023 2009-05-12 #31 回复: 献斤爱过,爱着和将要爱Vancouver的-2 保尔柯察金 说: second picture 点击展开... oh,IC, Don't tell them they were in my pictures, pls, and I will not pay them definitly unless I got payment from this picture ha !
回复: 献斤爱过,爱着和将要爱Vancouver的-2 保尔柯察金 说: second picture 点击展开... oh,IC, Don't tell them they were in my pictures, pls, and I will not pay them definitly unless I got payment from this picture ha !
jasiminee 3,023 2009-05-12 #33 回复: 献斤爱过,爱着和将要爱Vancouver的-2 附件 CIMG2674.jpg 565.1 KB · 查看: 156 最后编辑: 2009-05-12
jasiminee 3,023 2009-05-12 #38 回复: 献斤爱过,爱着和将要爱Vancouver的-2 Look Out 远看BC Place,很像荷包蛋哈!嘻嘻! 附件 CIMG2931.jpg 378.8 KB · 查看: 142
jasiminee 3,023 2009-05-12 #40 回复: 献斤爱过,爱着和将要爱Vancouver的-2 五帆还是美哈! 附件 CIMG2924.jpg 305.7 KB · 查看: 144